Sunday, August 9, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality 09 August 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter, I do hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful week.

I would like to extend a very warm welcome as always to all new members to this newsletter. I do hope you enjoy our weekly discussions devoted to a wide range of subjects of direct relevance to your Life, Well-being, Health and every aspect of Mind, Body and Spirit, Spiritual Evolution and Enlightenment as we progress relentlessly towards a great transition, much expected and anticipated by many cultures around the World, often associated with the iconic date of 21 December 2012. Scientific models also point to a climatic event as does historical records. These are most exciting times.

I would like to make it clear that I have no definite information as to how these events might unfold. It may well be that the information is being withheld, but I personally am firmly of the view that the main reason is that the "script" has not yet been completed.

The only determining factor ultimately will be the Mind and Consciousness of humanity at both a personal and collective level. For this reason alone everyone should prepare themselves at every level including Spiritually and above all help others to do the same.

So please forward a copy of this newsletter to all those you know and care about, and let them decide for themselves whether they are ready and able to understand and benefit from this and all future newsletters, keeping in Mind that the majority of people who are receptive to, or even actively seeking information such as are often afraid to talk about it with family or friends for fear of how they may be thought of.

Right now only a small percentage of the population on Earth is prepared. This percentage will increase, but not without the service of others as a Universal Principle, the Higher/Inner always helping the Lower/Outer on the great path of return to Source.

If you are receiving this newsletter for the first time and would like to receive future editions, you can join us by entering your details in to the form at the top of any page of our site and receive 7 free chapters from Our Ultimate Reality as well:

If you are seeking a complete understanding of your purpose here, of Life, the Universe and your ultimate Destiny, I wrote my book for this specific purpose:

In this week's newsletter:

1. Developing Psychic Powers - Final Week

2. The Eternal Moment of Now

Developing Psychic Powers - Final Week

I would like to thank everyone for the excellent response and feedback to your Developing Psychic Powers opportunity.

In view of this, and the fact that I know many people take vacations at this time of the year, I have decided to extend the opportunity for one more week, after which the 55% newsletter subscriber only discount plus additional books, including Telekinesis Power Secrets will no longer be available. You will acquire these 6 powerful books for just $17:

Psychic Power Secrets

Clairvoyance Power Secrets

Psychomancy Power Secrets

Telekinesis Power Secrets

Mental Power Secrets

The Eternal Moment of Now

It is apparent from numerous messages I receive that many people, probably even most people around the world are living in the past while being fearful of tomorrow.

In other words they are living in every state but the One True State - Now.

It is this inane clinging to "past events" and fear of a non-existent "future" that contributes much misery to the World today.

Plain and simple - there is no "past" there is no "future" there is only Now. Nothing else matters. If you choose to bind yourself to the past or imaginary future, then your past and imaginary future must and will become your present experience.

Our entire Earthly experience is determined in one moment - Now. nothing else matters.

Those who gain the ability to fully immerse themselves in, and experience only the present moment o Now are all powerful, because "time" no longer exerts its influence.

As Expressions and Aspects of Source Mind, we collectively enjoy Infinite Divine Powers to Express our own Personal Experience on the Now. But this cannot be achieved while clinging to any aspect of "time".

The Zen Buddhists of all people know this and practice this "Now-ness" and ultimately "One-ness".

As an aside, many Buddhists approach their culture from an academic or philosophical perspective - as a religion - when in fact the true Buddhist is not interested in intellectual stimulation, but only rather being or not being, but always in the Now.

No amount of academic or intellectual stimulation can ever lead to Enlightenment, Self Realisation and ultimately Realisation of Divine Powers, only Being in the Now can achieve these things.

Siddhattha Gotama - the original Buddha - never achieved Enlightenment by "doing" or "reading" or by any other intellectual pursuit, but rather by simply Sitting, Being and Realisation of and in the Present, Eternal Moment of Now - which is All there Is.

It is impossible to become Self-Realised and therefore Enlightened by studying Buddha - only by Being Buddha. This is where Zen Buddhists separate themselves from other sects of the Buddhist culture or in some cases religion.

Many of the great cultures of the world teach this truth of Now-ness in their own way:

"In the practice of the Way every day something is dropped. Less and less do you need to force things until you finally arrive at non-action. When nothing is done nothing is left undone". -- Lau-Tsu

This is a more progressive approach to Now-ness, but yet still towards the same objective of non-action, which goes with non-thought.

The Eighth principle of the Buddhist Eightfold path state:

"Samma-Samhadi" - full, integral holistic "Oneness" with The Source or The All. This includes concentration, meditation, and single pointedness of Mind, and the progressive establishment of the whole Being into the many levels of conscious awareness.

Note, the word "Samma" means whole, perfect, integral complete, thorough.

The Bhagavad Gita in its Vedic wisdom, succinctly states the incorrect view of most people today in the following statement:

"All actions take place in time by the interweaving of the forces of nature, but the man lost in self-delusion thinks that he himself is the actor. But the man who knows the relation between the forces of Nature and actions, sees how some forces of Nature work upon other forces of nature and becomes not their slave".

All of these great statements of fact vary of course, but while still substantially stating the same fundamental truths, that we are all One, there is only Now, and all actions, through right-Mindedness must occur only in the Eternal Moment of Now.

People often say to me: "but living only for the present moment of Now is so difficult when we cannot escape the past, or ignore the future - what are we to do?

My advice is simple - put time aside each and every week to go out into the countryside and observe nature. If the weather or other factors do not allow this, spend time each week simply observing your pet cat or dog, or by observing birds, squirrels and other Divine creatures Divine Providence has blessed Earth with, in your garden, through your window. If you live in a metropolitan area then visit your local park, gardens or other open space, sit on a bench and observe from there. We can always be close to nature.

Observe how these Divine Beings are only concerned with the Present Moment of Now.

I am blessed enough by Divine Providence to Whom I am most grateful to have a Zen Master living with me.

She is a gorgeous, 4 years of age, Maine Coon cat who has been with us from the age of 4 months, and from whom myself and my three sons have learned much simply by observing, understanding and of course caring for her. She, as with all cats and animals is a beautiful, sentient Being, who, unlike many humans is still true to her own path, and knows only Unconditional Love as a state of Being.

A cat truly is a Zen Master in many respects, and we can all learn much from observing, caring for and interacting with a cat.

Whether cats understand humans is another matter - they probably think humans are really eccentric, and not without good reason.

In nature, find a pond with ducks floating around and observe them. A duck does not worry about what happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow - a duck is only concerned with the Now.

Of course it happens that a duck will swim into the territory of another duck and a fight ensues. But after the tussle is over, usually very quickly, watch what the ducks do next.

The ducks will swim off in their own directions, the fight no longer being of relevance to them. Soon after the fight both ducks will suddenly shake their wings violently before folding them down once more, and then swimming serenely on their way.

Why do they do this?

The ducks will perform this action to rid themselves of all pent up, unwanted, negative, aggressive Energy resulting from the fight. Once the Energy is thus shaken off, they can return to their previous calm state in the present moment of Now.

Contrast this with many humans who will fight, often for no reason at all urged on by the Ego, and then afterwards spend days, weeks or even a whole lifetime brooding over it, often harbouring negative feelings of regret, vengeance or worse. Such thoughts eat them from within, drag their vibrations down, until they become stuck in a vortex of self-pity or even hatred. Sometimes all this pent up aggressive, negative Energy to be retained in their body, until eventually that Energy must find an outlet in some way, just as a safety valve will blow under so much pressure. In the case of humans this sudden release of negative Energy can often result in serious and sometimes tragic consequences.

These are reasons why "animals" who are after all equal aspects of Source and of Ourselves, are much smarter and more advanced than humans, simply being created by Divine Providence with different form and abilities appropriate to their own path which is no less important than that of a human.

It is sad but true that humans are the only animals, keeping in Mind that we are no lesser or greater than any other form of life, that have completely messed up their true nature at all levels, including something as basic as sexuality, due in no small part to the Ego assuming control, a focus on the illusions of ephemeral, physical "things" and an erroneous fear of "death".

Plain and simple what humans call "death" is in reality a part of life, no more, no less, symbolically representing the change from one state of Being to the next state of Being. Yet people live their "lives" in perpetual fear of "death". To do this is to fear life itself, causing an irrational focus on a non-existent future that in reality only exists as quantum potential, quantum probabilities that only become quantum realities when observed in the present moment of Now.

What people perceive and experience as "time" is, like "space", quite simply an illusion, albeit a very persistent illusion, a construct of mankind, contrived for convenience and in order to measure a perceived "past", "present" and "future" as well as a point of reference. The illusion of "time" on Earth is maintained by the scientific measurement of the relative positions of the Earth and the Sun in order to observe the "seasons", and the time for Earth to complete a full rotation relative to the Sun, thereby ultimately arriving at a calendrical system measured in days, weeks, months and years.

Beyond the perceptions of those living in the physical world, "time" simply does not exist. There is only the Eternal Now where everything that has happened, is happening and ever will happen relative to the Earth concept of time already exists, always has existed and always will exist. Beyond Earth, the concepts of "past", "present" and "future" simply do not exist.

The tendency of humans to force everything to happen in compliance with a notional concept of "time" has a very profound effect on the lives of people. When a person thinks in the future tense and says, "I will", "I want", "I could", the Energy influenced by those thoughts will be influenced only in the Eternal Now, with the perceived "future" never actually arriving. So if someone thinks, says or behaves in a manner that implies "I want", that person is placing themselves into a perpetual state of "wanting" but of never actually receiving. The vast majority of the human race today exists to some extent in a state of such wanting, while never being in a state of Mind, Energy and vibration to receive what they really "want".

So what causes humans to act in this way?

Unlike the animals mentioned earlier, humans are unique in identifying strongly with the Ego. It is this stranglehold the Ego has over most people at this time that causes humans to identify with such erroneous concepts as "time", or more specifically "past" and "future.

My book, Our Ultimate Reality, contains two chapters on the Ego, the second of which is the crucially important "Subjugating the Ego", without which true progress cannot be made, always keeping in Mind that as we experience this transition of the ages everyone needs to accomplish this:

I would also like to mention the fact that in the Astral and inner worlds where everyone will transition to after the change known as "death", time and space are not experienced, and the people there have no concept of them at all. This is because in the space-time continuum of the physical Universe "time" and "space" are part of the same experience, and one cannot be experienced without the other from the temporal perspective of a human on Earth where experiential reality is influenced and often controlled through the mediation of the five physical senses. Einstein demonstrated this conclusively. That does not mean that we have to experience them however. We can be of the physical world without experiencing it if we wish.

So how can people escape this self-fulfilling vortex of the Ego created illusion of "time" as it relates to a non-existent past and often feared for future.

There are several practical things that we can do achieve this.

The first of these may be approached through the daily practice of meditation. I cannot emphasise enough the importance and extreme value of meditation on many levels.

Many people claim that they have no "time" to meditate, which, in and of itself is both at once ironic and symptomatic of the state most people find themselves in today.

Not finding "time" for meditation is like not finding "time" for eating, sleeping and the other necessities of organic life, while at the same time "finding time" to watch soap operas and such things on the TV - it is all a matter of priority, the choices being between peace, harmony and Spiritual evolution on the one hand, and uncertainty, fear and often misery and lack of fulfilment on the other.

What I suggest to people is arising one hour earlier each and every day, making it a habit that the Subconscious Mind will urge you to maintain, take a warm bath or shower and then meditate properly for at least 20 minutes. This will set you up for a perfect day, while putting everything, including "time" in to a proper perspective.

Meditation at this time of the day brings many benefits, including, but not limited to the following:

1. After sleep you will be much closer to your Subconscious Mind and Inner/Higher Self than at any other time in the day.

2. You will be much more physically relaxed than any other time in the day. Deep physical relaxation is crucial for meditation and many other abilities.

3. Your Mind will not have been filled with the activities and events of the day ahead, making it easier to maintain a clear Mind - absolutely fundamental for true meditation.

So what else can you do during the day?

It is absolutely crucial to start thinking and thereby living in the present, the Eternal Moment of Now - which is all there is in reality.

Whatever you are doing in that Moment, immerse yourself in that Moment Only.

Never, ever think about the "past" - the lessons have been learned, experiences assimilated and stored by the Higher Self, and the events themselves dissipated back in to native Energy where they belong.

There is nothing to be gained by recalling those events and re-creating those same old Thought Forms which have already served their purpose. All you will do by living in the past is to bring the past into your present where you will keep re-living it over and over again - not a pleasant thought if your past is one that you would wish to leave behind.

Focus, immerse yourself and Be exclusively the Present Moment of Now.

The importance of the Eternal Moment of Now must be fully grasped and fully understood as a continuous aspect of enjoying total fulfilment, joy and Spiritual evolution. How we think has the most profound effect over what occurs in our lives. In fact, nothing has a more profound effect.

It is not sufficient to only recognize and express these fundamental Universal Principles when it suits us, when we desire something or when there is a situation that demands it. It is absolutely necessary to live life completely in accordance with these immutable Universal Principles, in the knowledge that as aspects of God, we are also channels of experience and expressions of God, with the same God-given powers as God. Those who do live their lives, either consciously or Subconsciously according to these Universal Principles will always seem to others to live a "charmed", "lucky", "fortunate" existence. In fact, they are actually living a "magical life", always in total control over their life, consciously shaping their own reality with the powers of their own Mind, as a channel of experience for The Source, Universal Mind, God, and always in a higher degree of harmony, with the Universe.

I would like to mention that we must still know exactly what we wish for, need and desire, but not in the context of having them in the "future". Ask and it is given, Now, every time, no exceptions - all we must do is receive by harmonising ourselves with that need, wish or desire.

But always keep in Mind that the moment you start apply a future tense, you will never receive your need, wish or desire, because, in accordance with your Mindset, it will always remain out of reach in your imaginary future, even though it is there for you.

So make a new routine of arising 1 hour earlier than usual, take a warm bath or shower, get yourself in to a relaxed state and meditate correctly for at least 20 minutes.

Resolve to live your life in the present moment of now.

If you have pets - learn from them. Together with children, and particularly infants, they are among our greatest teachers. If not find a way to observe animals in their natural habitat and learn from them. All animals are our equals, and in many respects our Masters - never the other way around.

Until next newsletter, I wish you a healthy, happy, abundant week.

In Love and Light,


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