Monday, August 10, 2009

Windmills That Produce Water Follow-Up

I found more documentation on this water producing windmill. Thanks to Sustainable Station for providing me the link to that information. The information can be found at

There are a lot of diagrams and details describing the design of this device, but it looks like more research would need to be done if you wanted to get started building this water collecting windmill. I think it sounds like an excellent idea, especially for those looking to get off the grid and for those who are already off the grid. This would be excellent for those in transition towns and community gardens.

In case you were wondering water collecting devices a.k.a atmospheric water generators are not an idea, theory, or myth. These are actual working devices some of which have been available to the public for quite some time now. EcoloBlue is just one of several that have been selling atmospheric water generators for a while now, and the people who buy them can't say enough about them. However they are quite pricey starting at $1350 for the home user, but produces up to 7 gallons per day. Again however, the drawback to these water collectors is that they require home electricity which is why I find a greater interest in self sustaining powered water collectors such as this windmill water producer.

I'm pretty sure most ordinary house holds or individuals seeking more independence would be a bit hesitant to spend 9k to 25k Euros for a water collector, and I wouldn't be surprised if building one yourself would not be much cheaper. I will continue researching to make less expensive ways to easily create efficient water collectors.

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