Sunday, July 26, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality 26 July 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter, I do hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful week.

I would like as always to extend a very warm welcome to all new members of this newsletter. I know I do this every week, but the truth is that it is a great pleasure to me to see so many people interested in these crucially important subjects as we approach transitional and pivotal times for all humanity.

As I have mentioned many times before, no one knows he true nature of 2012, only that 2012 has crucial significance in the grand scheme of things, a significance verified by countless independent and diverse cultures around the world. This is no coincidence.

We know that there is no such thing as a "prophecy", only predictions, but even Nostradamus in his final work predicted the precise date of major changes - 21 December 2012.

I know remote viewers who, while acknowledging the fact there is no fixed future, say that it seems impossible to view anything at all beyond 2012 - even possibilities.

The true nature of these events may not be made known to us, but we do know that this is part of a cycle that has repeated from the beginning on every scale. Birth, Life, "Death", Renewal. Death of course is a human concept - it is actually Renewal. There is an abundance of evidence on Earth of these Eternal Cycles exerting their Divine Influence, the last of which was The Great Flood which was the only event to have taken place during an era where humans had the tools and abilities to record it.

Even the dinosaur extinction event was just such a cycle, giving way to mammals and ultimately humans, flora and fauna as we know it today.

The message is there is no time for complacency. World events all point to a major climatic outcome at some point fairly soon. The nature in which the event or events manifest is not important, what is important is that all should prepare themselves within.

If we are prepared within, we are prepared without - whatever happens or otherwise.

Since 2005 I have devoted a good part of my Sunday's to bring you this weekly newsletter almost continuously, when I could be out relaxing and enjoying myself with my three sons in this beautiful part of the World.

I do so willingly out of Service, Love and Joy that as many people as possible may be prepared both for the monumental events ahead, and to equally enjoy the present.

This week we will take a closer look at Who we really "Are", which, for many, is one factor that always presents a barrier, at some level, to progress.

In the meantime though none of us are passive bystanders in this Divine Process. Each is an integral aspect of the Whole, the All, and each has an equally important role and responsibility in this process as a crucial aspect of which is Service to others before Service to self.

You can be of Great Service simply by sharing this newsletter with others - either by sending the email containing the PDF file link, or by sending the PDF directly.

If you are reading this newsletter for the first time you are most welcome.

If you feel this newsletter has been of value in your Life and on your Path , and would like to receive more, then please do feel free to join us every week which you can do simply by filling in the form at the top of any page on our website:

For a complete guide to the meaning of life, the Universe and Destiny of Humanity, I wrote my book for this very purpose. As you will see from the reviews for both digital and paperback editions, my books has already made a profound impact on the lives of numerous people, for which I am grateful:

It is my absolute intention and indeed purpose to continue to offer my Services for as long as I can and in any way I can as we approach the pivotal year of 2012 and beyond.

We can never know what tomorrow will bring - there are so many factors and forces beyond our control, but in any case it matters not.

There is only but One Moment we should be Mindful of:

The Eternal Moment of Now.

In this week's newsletter:

1. Ongoing message situation.

2. Chakra Meditation Update.

3. The True Architect and Spiritual I

Ongoing Message Situation

It seems as if not a week goes by these days without me feeling compelled to mention my ongoing message situation.

It is understandable that as increasingly more people read the newsletters, books, websites and other material increasingly more people will send me messages on a whole range of subjects as well as requests for help in various ways.

I would really love to respond to every single message without exception, but even if I spent the whole day by my PC only answering email this would be very difficult.

In addition as much of my day is devoted to creating additional products, services and resources that can be of as much value as possible to the most possible people.

I am sure you will appreciate therefore my need to manage my day in the most efficient possible way for the greatest number of people.

I always give top priority to messages from those in urgent in urgent and genuine need of help in some way, often in a real life crisis. If you are such a person, please use the word "Urgent" as the first word in the subject line, and I will respond as soon as possible.

For all other messages, if you do not receive a reply be assured that I have always read your message in its entirety - no message goes un-noticed or unread if it was received.

That said I should add that due to the number of spam messages directed at my email addresses - in excess of 10,000 per day, the majority of which are either filtered by my mail server - which exclusively processes my email - or my PC - both using very stringent filtering technologies - it is quite possible, in fact inevitable that some genuine messages are filtered - how many I do not know.

If you send me an urgent message or question about a purchase and not received a response within three days, then please do send it again.

For all general questions - which comprise the majority of messages received - please visit our website which contains a wealth of information:

Including the forums which are managed by three extremely helpful and knowledgeable moderators, and contributed to by many valued members:

And again, as mentioned before, my book, Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind will answer many of your Life questions:

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Chakra Meditation Update

I have received many messages asking about the status of the new Chakra Meditation MP3 that I have been working on for some time.

The good news is that it is progressing very well and should be available in the bext couple of weeks or so.

As many of you know it was my original intention to provide a series of Chakra Meditation CD's - one for each Chakra for optimum development.

Although I received excellent feedback for the first of these tracks - Root Chakra - many people felt that they would prefer a single track to activate and develop all Chakras.

This has proven to be quite a challenge, because effective Chakra activation requires the correct Mind state, the correct Relaxation State and the Correct Concentration State as well as a fully balanced system - balance is crucial.

After much development I have now achieved a system to achieve all three of these factors, but the sound track is lengthy, including the Relaxation followed by Chakra development phases.

Unless I am absolutely certain that whatever I offer is of the greatest possible effectiveness and value, I would not offer it at all. I am sure that ethos has been fully reflected in all previous opportunities I have brought to you over the years.

After much reflection, development and testing, I have produced a track which has two fundamental components - Deep Physical Relaxation followed by Chakra Development.

I will include the full track, and both Deep Physical Relaxation and Chakra Development separately so that once you can attain Deep Physical Relaxation at will, you need only listen to and follow the Chakra Development track.

Also, from feedback received, it was apparent that people had different preferences for brainwave track backgrounds. Some really enjoyed music, others say they would have preferred beats, others no background at all.

So I have decided to include all three possibilities so you can choose for yourself.

You will therefore receive a total of seven tracks in total for maximum flexibility, enjoyment and effectiveness.

As previously mentioned, all those who have already purchased the Root Chakra Development track will have the opportunity to acquire the full new Chakra Development Tracks at a greatly discounted price.

Again - it is my objective to have the new Chakra Development track available for you in the next couple of weeks. I will be offering it to newsletter members at a discount before offering it generally at its true value.

The True Architect and Spiritual I

As humans have evolved from early primates to more modern, sentient, thinking creatures, they have perceived the existence of "powers" greater than themselves, a power responsible in some way for their very existence.

Until very recently, humans often believed these intangible powers must be appeased and humoured in some way if they are to be "allowed" to continue to enjoy a fruitful life experience, including plentiful food, water and other living conditions, and above all to be allowed admission to a "heaven" or "paradise" of some sort after they "die.

Until a couple of thousand years ago these beliefs manifested in a darker way through sacrifice of animals, and even humans, in the belief this would appease the Gods who would then be more benevolent towards them. Conversely, these ancient ancestors believed that failing to appease the Gods would incur their wrath in many terrible ways.

Until 2000 years or so ago, humans experienced great difficulty in conceiving of a singular all encompassing power, and accordingly created whole pantheons of deities, each responsible for, and governing in some way specific aspects of their lives, and each of which were honoured by temples, rituals and in other ways.

In fact One factor that has never really changed is the perceived need to "worship" or appease the "Gods" or "God", lest they be "punished" in some way. The same applies to all of the orthodox religions today, the main one being the fear of not be admitted to "heaven" or worse, being sent to "hell". This is of course the major stick that contemporary religions wield over their congregations to ensure complete subservience.

Many belief systems of the western world are based upon Christianity and Judaism, with Islam being prevalent in the Middle East, and Hinduism and Buddhism prevailing in the Far East.

Islam, Judaism and Christianity in all of their forms rely heavily on the words of their respective “holy books” or texts.

Today many people still live their lives by the literal word of these ancient books, many of which have often been misinterpreted, misunderstood and mistranslated over the millennia, and changed and manipulated by the word of the religious doctrines.

Most of the congregation never thinks to question these doctrines or holy books, believing them to the sacred "word" of their God.

Often, of course this is due to strong, historical family beliefs and traditions, handed down through generations, which people accept and follow out of trust and respect, without questioning whether these doctrines are true, simply being accepted as such without question. In other cases, the very high profile and often psychological power and control over people through the invocation of fear and guilt, the orthodox churches have led people to believe that these churches must represent reality.

But is it?

During these transitional times, millions of people are awakening to a glorious new Reality, a reality free from creed, dogma, doctrines and above all control.

This Reality still embraces An All Encompassing, All Knowing, All Loving Architect, but this Architect is not separate from us in any way, but rather Is Us in Every Way.

The True Architect of All That Is does not in any way conform to the popular vision of an elderly, stately looking gentleman with a white beard, adorned in long flowing white robes, sitting on a golden throne flanked by choirs of Angels, while directing and judging the affairs of Earth and mankind.

The True Architect of All That Is, is not a judgemental, tyrannical, vengeful, jealous, or angry deity.

The True Architect has no need or desire to be “worshipped” or to receive offerings of any sort, and is most certainly not influenced in any way by flattery or “praise”.

The True Architect of All That Is does not punish people for failing to believe in Him/her, for failing to attend a church, or for failing to accept a historical person as their “saviour”.

The True Architect does not in any way require intermediaries or “go-betweens” to interpret, represent and convey the “will” of The Architect, The Supreme Intelligence. No such intermediary has ever had the "ear" or "authority" of The Supreme Intelligence or has ever possessed any sort of special connection with The Supreme Intelligence. No such self-appointed representative can possibly know “the will” of the Supreme Intelligence, or convey the wishes of the people back to The Supreme Intelligence.

These are all human concepts based only upon human attributes, human insecurity, and the inability to comprehend anything greater, or indeed themselves as being anything greater.

Above all, The True Architect of All That Is is neither separate from the Universe or from anyone or anything within the Universe.

The True Architect of All That Is is at once Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent. Every human being, all life and everything within the entire Universe, has its Being within the Infinite Universal Mind of The True Architect of All That Is, The Supreme Intelligence.

Everyone is a totally equal and integral aspect of The True Architect of All That Is, the Supreme Universal Consciousness, The Source, The Prime Creator, The First Cause, The One Universal Mind.

We are The True Architect at every level, with Unlimited Powers of Design and Creation. Every human being, and indeed life form in existence is only limited to the extent that it can assimilate and Express the Powers and Energy of The Architect - Supreme Intelligence.

We may call The True Architect by any name we wish - Source, Source Mind, Supreme Creator, First Cause, God, but the given name is irrelevant - It is Us as a Whole, All.

Realising this Ultimate Truth and Living Life accordingly would spare so much pain and misery in the World today.

Of all the factors influencing the attitude, actions and motivations of humanity, none can be more pervasive than the erroneous idea that human beings are finite, mortal, transient and above all separate in some way.

The perception of the majority is still that we are "born" in to a family, culture and country by "chance", struggle through life, "grow old", retire and finally inevitably "die".

Over the centuries this sense of separation, inevitability and mortality has led to behavioural traits that are completely contrary to the purpose of humans, aspects of a Higher Self, incarnating in to physical form in order to gain Experience to add to the Whole Higher Self.

One such pervasive behavioural trait is the desire, in many cases obsession to acquire material possessions at all costs, very often at the expense of others. Indeed for some this behaviour is taken to such an extreme that it becomes a competition as to who can "die" with the most money, even though the "winner" can never collect their prize.

Another very human trait is the fear of the change know as "death". No other animal, indeed life form except human being fear death.

All other life forms live in the present moment of Now, with no thought of "death". When the life form does transition to a higher vibration, to the life form it is a completely natural continuity of life itself.

Only human beings have made death in to a monster controlled by religion.

So what then is the truth?

All human Personalities incarnated on Earth are aspects of their corresponding Individual Higher Self.

The Higher Self is who we truly Are beyond our individual incarnations on Earth, and can be thought of as an aspect of the immortal “I”.

The Higher Self is sublime. As the sum of all of our physical lives and experiences, past present and future - relative to the Earth concept of time - is therefore infinitely wise.

Full access to the Higher Self by individual physical incarnations, personalities of the Higher Self is most sought after by those consciously following the path.

It is the Higher Self that progresses on to “greater” things once all physical lives, all personalities have completed their missions.

After the cycles of physical incarnation have been completed, we continue the journey inward towards God as our “Higher Self”, as an individual Spiritual Being, the sum of all physical lives, and onward experiences gathered on the quest and journey of perfection and ultimate destiny of the potential to reunite with The Source, God, The First Cause, from Whence we first came.

The Higher Self can provide intuition towards assisting in circumstances where clarification or guidance are needed. The Higher Self provides the highest level of connectedness with The Source and influence within the Universe in all spheres and learning how to consciously communicate with the Higher Self through the Subconscious Mind is a very valuable ability.

The Higher Self is the Spiritual I, who we really Are, an aspect of The Architect of All That Is.

The Architect and Spiritual I are One - Co-Creators of All that Is.

Until next newsletter, I wish you a healthy, happy, abundant week.

In Love and Light,
