Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Kymatica Transcript

Time Content
00:04 → 00:08

Evolution is a term to define only one organism,

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and that’s the self.

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The self is the Universe, the self is the Alpha and Omega,

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God, and Infinity,

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and that’s the only thing that evolves, because we’re all part of the self.

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Nothing goes through an evolutionary process alone

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or without direct benefit to the whole.

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So when you begin to think that there’s this controlling elite,

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this controlling hand behind the curtain leading the planet to destruction,

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when you think the end is near, the Apocalypse, Armageddon,

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and when you think we as a species are doomed…

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It is not THEY, it is YOU that brought this about.

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And for a very good reason…

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You are evolving.

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Stop blaming everybody and everything else.

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Quit panicing about global tyranny and natural disaster and Pay Attention.

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Because the world is telling you something,

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it’s telling you exactly what is wrong with you and how to fix it.

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Seek not abroad, turn back into thyself,

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for in the inner man dwells the truth.

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Every major religion has referred to inner guidance in its teachings…

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the Spirit of Christ, the Atman, God within.

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The Earth is believed to have formed 4.6 billion years ago.

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Within the first 150 million years,

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it began cooling and releasing gasses from the lithosphere

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which created the earliest forms of the earth’s atmosphere

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Prior to the creation of this atmosphere,

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the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation made for uninhabitable conditions

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but as the Earth cooled further

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water condensed in the atmosphere

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and oxygen accumulated making way for organic compounds.

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This spawned single-celled organisms and then plant-life.

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And down through time, the evolutionary chain continued.

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And then we arrive at a species that does not seem to fit as well as the rest.

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Homosapian’s gestation period of 9 months

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mimics the 3.8 billion years evolution of all life on Earth.

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The human embryo repeats the evolution of all species.

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When the sperm and egg unite,

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this new creation, is a single-celled organism.

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Within hours, this single cell divides and multiplies more rapidly than any other species.

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4 weeks later, the embryo begins to develop gills mimicking aquatic life.

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A few weeks later it develops lungs and a tail with reptilian appearance.

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From there, a mammal is recognizable,

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and then on to a primate form.

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It then sheds its lacuna which is the embryonic fur.

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And at last, shows the characteristics of a human child.

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The human body is a community of approximately 50 trillion cells.

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Everything the body does, the cell does as well.

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Cells have respiratory and expiratory systems,

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they feed, feel, think, and communicate with other cells.

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Trillion of cells make up a single organism called the human body

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and billion of human bodies help make up the organism we call Earth.

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The earth has more similarities with the human anatomy than you may think.

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Earth has its own electromagnetic generation

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just like the human body.

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Research has found that a direct current of electricity flows through perineural cells

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found around every nerve on the body

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These pathways are called energy meridians

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and have been used in the practice of acupuncture for at least 2000 years.

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Dating even farther back is the notion of Dragon Paths or Ley Lines

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in which many megalithic structures and stone monuments were erected

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marking the energy meridians of the Earth.

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These energy meridians are generated by the resonant frequencies of the Earth

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called the Schumann Waves.

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Each planetary body has its own resonant frequencies

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and is determined by the circumference and diameter

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as well as the speed of orbit and rotation.

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The Earth’s resonant frequency starts at 7.83 Hz

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and ends with the 7th harmonica at 43.2 Hz

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correlating with the 7 chakras.

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Ultimately, the greatest discovery of our Earth is its consciousness.

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A visible attribute of consciousness

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is an energetic field that governs the shaping of organisms.

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Morphogenesis is a scientific term to explain this very shaping of tissues,

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organs, and entire organisms.

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Consciousness is the creative force of the entire universe.

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It has been given many names, such as God,

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Yahweh, Krishna, Nature, The Field, and Divinity.

05:59 → 06:04

The entire universe is in fact a single living conscious organism

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with complete awareness of itself.

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The reason why it may seem difficult to comprehend this

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is because our understanding is typically limited by our language.

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When we hear the term “Conscious Organism”

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we tend to anthropomorphize its definition

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by giving it human qualities

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we mistakenly look past what an organism truly is in the first place.

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The definition of an Organism,

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is any living thing capable of response to stimuli,

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reproduction, growth and development,

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and maintenance of homeostasis as a stable whole.

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Our universe does all of these things.

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The consciousness of our universe is responsible for the form and purpose that all matter assumes

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The Earth’s resonant frequencies are a result of its form.

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These frequencies are responsible for biological rhythms

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such as menstrual and circadian cycles

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as well as behavioral and emotional patterns.

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The frequencies are then picked up by the flora and fauna

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which are biological instruments that respond to the wave patterns.

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The wave patterns resonate in the cranial structure of our head

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and converge in the center of our brain

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which is where we find the pineal gland.

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The pineal gland is believed in many cultures

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to be the spiritual third eye responsible for intuition.

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Descartes called it “The Seat of the Soul” where mind and body meet.

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Each individual cell in our body

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receives an electromagnetic impulse from our central nervous system.

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They receive the very same impulse that was disseminated

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to every biological instrument from the Earth.

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An explanation of our conscious universe has been attempted by religion,

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science, and philosophy.

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The neglect of biological nature from any organism causes illness…

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A divorce from nature, exile from Eden, confounding of tongues,

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they’re all symptoms, not of a biblical God or Deity

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but the true self.

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The greatest and only treat to ourselves

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is a loss of self,

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the death of our divinity.

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As we bare through history with oceans of information,

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yet barely a drop of wisdom,

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we have to understand how we lost our self.

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In sacred texts and ancient scriptures left by our ancestors

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we find an incredible link between stories of Creation,

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a great Flood, the War of the Gods,

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the Messiah dying for the sins of man,

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End-Time prophecies and similar characters.

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These correlations show up in myths from cultures

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that supposedly had no contact with one another

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due to distance in geography and time.

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A common thread we find that connects all of mythology

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has its roots in the stars.

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One of the most revealing accounts is the battle of the gods in heaven

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and the ensuing flood.

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In the Bible, Lucifer rivaled the Lord and was defeated and cast down to Earth.

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In the creation myth of the Anuma Alish,

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we find a similar story of Tiamat being defeated by Marduk

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and cast down to the abyss of Apsu.

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And chaos, Tiamat, the mother of them both.

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Apsu and Tiamat’s waters where mingled together

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meaning that the chaotic waters of Tiamat

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were somehow mixed with the sweet water of Absu.

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Absu was the Sumero-Akkadian God of the Abyss beneath the Earth.

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Tiamat, also known as Lucifer,

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was known as a serpent or dragon and was defeated by Marduk.

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Marduk was the father of Nibo, or Mercury,

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and Mercury is the same mythological character

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as the Zoroastrian Mithra, the Egyptian Hermes Anubis,

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and the Gnostic Hermes Christos.

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The most recent version of Mercury however,

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is the Archangel Michael in the Bible,

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who defeated Lucifer and sent him to he abyss of the Earth, or Hell.

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This story is steeped in astrological significance in the Bible

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and in many other ancient scriptures.

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This leads to an event in history that is recorded by many researchers

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regarding the cosmic upheaval and historic deluge.

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William Comyns Beaumont states:

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The flood immortalizes the collision of a fallen planet, later termed Satan,

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actually a cometary body, with our earth.

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Consider what this reveals.

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He postulates that a planet, later termed “Satan”

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fell to the Earth, creating the flood we see recorded in the Bible, and other myths.

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Lucifer, or Tiamat

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was a planet, known to ancient cultures as “The Glicening One”,

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the dragon of chaotic salt waters.

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The light from the Sun illuminated this planet’s water

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which gave it a glow that rivaled the Sun’s own light

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which is where we hear about Lucifer rivaling the Lord.

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The Lord in this case being the Sun,

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which sustains and gives warmth to the Earth.

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The planet Tiamat, or Lucifer, was destroyed by a cataclysmic event

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that hurled the watery planet to the abyss of the Earth.

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In the book of Enoch, it reveals:

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And behold, a star fell from heaven.

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…and when it fell to Earth I saw how the Earth was swallowed up in a great abyss.

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The myth of the Ute Indian states:

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The sun was shivered into a thousand fragments,

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which fell to Earth causing a general conflagration.

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Then, TA-WATS fled before the destruction he had wrought,

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and as he fled, the burning Earth consumed his feet,

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legs, body, hands and arms…

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until at last, swollen with heat, the yes of the god burst

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and tears gushed forth in a flood which spread over the Earth

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extinguishing the fire.

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This myth resembles the translation of the Anuma Alish

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by Stephanie Dalley in her book “Myth from Mesopotamia”.

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Which explains that Tiamat’s eyes

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became the source of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

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As written in the book of Revelations:

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And there was a war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon,

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and the dragon and his angels fought back.

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The great dragon was hurled down, that ancient serpent called the devil,

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or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth.

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The Roman mythology of Oved gives the story of Phaeton,

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which happens to be another name, given to the watery planet Lucifer, or Tiamat.

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This story reveals that Phaeton was a child of the Sun

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who whished to become the sun for a day.

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Phaeton attempted this fit and eventually

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Jovi, who is also known as Marduk

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destroyed Phaeton sending him crashing to the Earth in flames

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and put out by a tremendous flood of water from a river unseen before.

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The common theme we notice here is that of a salt water planet

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“The Great Dragon”, “Lucifer”, “Tiamat”, “Phaeton”

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was defeated and fell to the Earth

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and now dwells in the abyss, known as Hell,

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giving us the outline of the story of Lucifer

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rising us against the Lord,

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and being defeated and banished to rule the underworld.

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As we know however, an outline is but a shell of a story.

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The inner meaning, the spirit of the myth comes with a deeper understanding

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of the essence of each planet.

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Not just the physical planet, but the conscious core.

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Because we know now that the proportions and velocity of a planet

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gives them their own characteristic frequencies

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which govern biological and behavioral patterns.

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These planets reflect archetypal psychology of man.

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In ancient times, probably the most important field of research

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was the study of the heavens.

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Galactic bodies and their movement through the sky

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were known to be symbolic of the inner faculties within human consciousness,

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within all organisms.

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Outdated science has only explained the physical world measured by our 5 senses.

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Only in esoteric religions, mysticism, and quantum fields of science

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are we to find any attempt that explain where thoughts and emotions

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fit in to this sense-perceptible world.

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We also understand now that Humanity is a community of cells

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within the organism of the Earth.

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The Earth therefore is a higher organism that shapes our form and function.

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This higher organism, and all other planetary bodies are governed by consciousness,

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just as we individual humans are.

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Therefore the Newtonian belief

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that galactic bodies are nothing more than lifeless forms floating in space

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is tantamount to claiming that we humans

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are nothing more than a composite of elements in motion.

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We know that this is untrue because we feel,

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we think,

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and furthermore, we see the results of our consciousness

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creating what we call “Life”.

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Plato wrote:

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…this world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence…

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a single visible living entity containing all other living entities,

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which by their nature are all related.

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Furthermore, the cosmos is a single Living Creature

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which contains all living creatures within it.

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And in an article out of the Sufi Journal, the author writes:

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The world is a living spiritual being. This was understood by the ancient philosophers

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and the alchemists who referred to the spiritual essence of the world

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as the anima mundi, the ‘Soul of the World’.

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In scriptures, we hear of the claim that angels guide the inner soul for actions of people

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or that the gods wield influence over man.

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Most ancient spiritual and scientific teachings held a belief

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that the hierarchies of the gods: Angels, Archangels, Arche,

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all the way down to the Cherubim and the Seraphim

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are the hierarchies within the human psyche.

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In this way, we must understand that when the whole of ancient myths

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and sacred scriptures speak of spiritual influence from a higher being

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they were speaking of archetypal forces that are inherent within us,

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not an influence from an external source.

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This is where we begin to see the relevance Astrology as an ancient form of science

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that resurfaced in the 19th and 20th centuries under the name of Psychology.

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Friedrich Nietzsche even stated:

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As long as you still experience the stars as something above you,

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you still lack a viewpoint of knowledge.

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This is Astro-Psychology, it maps the inner faculties of the psyche.

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In pre-Christian times,

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there were schools known today as “the mystery schools”, or “the mystery religions”.

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The messages encoded in the scriptures and ancient archeology

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came from adapts of spiritual science.

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The intent was to teach the initiates the deeper meaning of these myths.

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What became later termed as Lucifer, Satan, or the Devil

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was representative of the Ego, which rivals The Lord,

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the representative of the self.

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The true self is the epicenter of a person’s entire being.

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It is the total sum of everything that we are.

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The false-ego on the other hand,

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is the idea and concept we create about ourselves in the course of our lives,

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which typically excludes any qualities we don’t want to accept about ourselves.

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However, Humanity has been endowed with the freedom to choose

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either to obey the true self, or to give in to the temptation

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of the vanity and materialism of the false-ego.

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This is the most notable trait that separate man from animal,

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our freedom of choice.

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The choice to follow our concepts and ideals

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or our natural impulses.

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The choice to sustain nature, or to destroy it.

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This freedom of choice weighs on the faith of the entire organism that we call humanity.

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Cancer begins with a group of cells within a community

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that fail to communicate with the conscious signal of the organism.

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Those cells begin to grow out of control and spread to other areas of the organism.

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This very disease is evident in our world today.

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The cancer upon our earth is the domination of our false-ego

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and our divorce from nature.

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Collectively, among every human, the cancer upon our Earth

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is the domination of our false-ego and our divorce from nature.

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Collectively, among every human,

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vanity leads to segregation and competition.

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Competition leads to fear and greed.

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Greed leads to deceit and immorality.

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And immorality is the breeding ground for illness, waging war on our Earth.

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Every act of hatred and destructiveness in our world

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begins with self-hate, and self-destructiveness.

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And that all begins with a breakdown on communication.

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In nature, all that we perceive with our five senses is a result of two fundamental principles.

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Everything in existence is made of a relationship between vibration and matter.

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Vibration is a masculine creative force countered by matter,

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which is a feminine receptive force.

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Thus begins the principal of duality.

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We see this duality in ancient myths and philosophies,

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yet only those philosophies and scriptures that were perverted and raped of the original meaning

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gave the impression that one polarity was good while the other was evil.

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The original sages, adapts and shamans taught that both are necessary

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and one would not exist without the other.

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These two important principals come together to form all things in the universe.

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This is Kymatica.

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Even language, Logos, the communication of any and all things in nature

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depends upon this principal.

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Pete Petterson in his works “Cymatics – The Science of the Future” stated

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that nature shows examples of Kymatica in everything.

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This phenomena is found to be one of the prime forces that moves

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biological evolution along its path.

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Dan Winter reproduced an experiment to prove that the ancient languages

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of Hebrew and Sanskrit, when spoken

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create a vibratory frequency that moved matter into sacred geometrical patterns

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upon further investigation

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Hebrew, Sanskrit, Aramaic, Arabic

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and other elder dialects have older roots in apparent language of Gaelic

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and quite possibly an even earlier origin.

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in Swami Murugesu’s “The Science of Mantra”

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He claim that when a person chant a specific word in Sanskrit

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while filming a burning candle

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The intensity as well as the color of the flame would change

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due to the frequency that the word would emit.

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This same science has been shown to lower and raise blood pressure,

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and in his own words:

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Certain sounds can affect our circulation and nervous system…

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Whatever change such vibrations cause, extends to the mind of a person

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and also to the surrounding atmosphere, causing warmth or coolness.

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All this can be known by study and shown by practice.

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This rediscovered knowledge of the science of sound shows

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that sound is something more than mere vibratory signals

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Not only that sound interact with life but it sustains and develops it.

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It acts as a conduit of conscious intent between people,

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societies and entire civilizations.

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Yet the psychic illness we endure due to the domination of our false-ego

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is reflected in the collective.

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Our psychological schism has shut us off from communicating correctly with our inner self.

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Which is exactly how cancer cells within the body operate.

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In the collective,

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we have created a language barrier between humanity and the rest of nature,

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acting as a global cancer.

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Recorded in history,

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the efficacy of the ancient languages has been severely uprooted.

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The alphanumeric translation from Hebrew to English

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shows a complete reversal of the two languages.

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giving the cymatic effect unnatural results.

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Doctor Lenon Orwell stated in his work on DNA:

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…one third of the sensory-motor-cortex of the brain is devoted to the tongue,

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oral cavity, the lips, and speech.

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In other words, oral frequency emissions spoken, or sung,

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exert powerful control over life, vibrating genes that influence total well-being

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and even evolution of the species.

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A degradation of language in this case is shown to affect biology.

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If something as basic and important as language can be degraded and devalued to such a degree,

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yet never questioned,

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what else might we be missing?

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Think of an aspect of your life that dictates the limits of your freedom.

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Government and law enforcement,

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insurance and pharmaceutical companies,

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taxes, building permits,

24:03 → 24:04

drivers licenses, and more.

24:05 → 24:08

There are hundreds if not thousands of stipulations,

24:08 → 24:10

regulations, and boundaries on our freedom.

24:11 → 24:13

And out of the ones that were just mentioned

24:13 → 24:16

how many have you researched to find out whether they apply to you or not?

24:18 → 24:21

Let’s look at the forms of law that we currently acquiesce to.

24:21 → 24:28


24:28 → 24:30

A common misconception among people

24:30 → 24:34

is that any rule or regulation that governs them falls under one category

24:35 → 24:36


24:36 → 24:39

But there are many other forms of law that people abide by

24:39 → 24:42

without realizing that they simply do not apply to them.

24:43 → 24:47

Another misconception is that a nation’s constitution gives us our rights.

24:48 → 24:52

A constitution does nothing more than list the rights that we already have.

24:53 → 24:57

We are born with inalienable rights, endowed to us by our creator.

24:58 → 25:00

They are not given to us, and they cannot be given away.

25:01 → 25:05

They most a person can do with a right is choose whether to exercise it or not.

25:06 → 25:09

Maritime Admiralty Law is what’s know as the law of the water.

25:10 → 25:12

It is superseded by civil law

25:12 → 25:16

and only applies to those who willingly contract themselves into it.

25:16 → 25:21

The definition of Admiralty Law is a body of private international law

25:21 → 25:26

governing the relationships between private entities which operate vessels on the oceans.

25:28 → 25:33

Let’s look at how and why a form of law that has fashioned governed corporations,

25:33 → 25:38

businesses and vessels, has imposed its rules over natural human beings.

25:39 → 25:42

This is all done through a form of word magic.

25:42 → 25:47

A simple perversion of language has made it possible to convince people around the world

25:47 → 25:50

that these alternative laws apply to them.

25:51 → 25:55

One of the predominant belief in modern culture is that licenses, permits,

25:55 → 26:01

registrations, and other forms of documentation are required to operate motor vehicles,

26:01 → 26:04

use public roads, build structures and establishments,

26:05 → 26:07

and gage in free enterprise and much more.

26:08 → 26:14

Sadly, these beliefs are based on little to no investigation whatsoever and are false.

26:15 → 26:19

This belief structure is perpetuated by Maritime Admiralty Law.

26:20 → 26:25

This form of law was originally created to govern ships, docking in foreign nations

26:25 → 26:28

for the import or export of products and resources.

26:29 → 26:33

It deals with banking and merchant affairs, not civil affairs.

26:33 → 26:37

When a product is taken off of a ship and brought into a foreign land,

26:37 → 26:41

that nation takes custody of the resource and accounts for it with a certificate.

26:42 → 26:47

That certificate marks the birth date of that product in the custody of the respected nation.

26:48 → 26:52

Think of why it is supposedly required to have a certificate of life birth in the first place.

26:54 → 26:57

The Barran’s dictionary of Banking Terms defines a certificate

26:57 → 27:00

as a paper establishing an ownership claim.

27:01 → 27:06

So right there, we notice that everyone with a birth certificate is define as being owned.

27:06 → 27:09

Owned by Whom?

27:10 → 27:14

People are used as collateral with other nations because the U.S is bankrupt.

27:15 → 27:19

The United States declared bankruptcy on March 9th of 1933,

27:20 → 27:24

at this point, the U.S began taking out loans from a private

27:24 → 27:28

non government affiliated corporation called “The Federal Reserve”.

27:29 → 27:31

With no money to pay back the loans,

27:31 → 27:34

The United States began using the citizens as collateral.

27:36 → 27:40

All birth and married certificates are literally warehouse receipts.

27:41 → 27:45

Just look at the similarity of warehouse receipts and birth certificates.

27:46 → 27:49

Both document the date of issue,

27:51 → 27:52

a serial number,

27:53 → 27:56

registration number or receipt number,

27:57 → 27:59

a description of the product,

28:00 → 28:04

and an authorized informant to notify the appropriate government agency.

28:06 → 28:08

With all of this information being readily available,

28:09 → 28:13

the majority of people are unaware of their involvement with Maritime Admiralty Law.

28:14 → 28:17

This is possible through the manipulation of language.

28:17 → 28:20

This Admiralty Law change the meaning of the word “Person”

28:20 → 28:23

from a natural living person to a corporation.

28:24 → 28:28

Driver’s licenses, vehicle registrations, auto insurance forms,

28:28 → 28:31

building permits, gun permits, work permits,

28:31 → 28:36

tax filing documents, birth and death certificates, traffic citations

28:36 → 28:38

and many other forms of documentation

28:38 → 28:41

that were once believed to be absolutely necessary

28:41 → 28:45

only applied to persons, or corporations.

28:46 → 28:52

Upon signing such a legal document,

28:52 → 28:55

you are indirectly waving your rights under the constitution

28:55 → 28:58

and lowering your status to that of a corporation

28:58 → 29:01

that is created with the same exact name as you.

29:02 → 29:06

The only way to reconcile your true name from the name of the corporation

29:06 → 29:10

is to take notice that the corporation has its name in all capital letters.

29:10 → 29:13

This is known as Capitis Diminutio Maxima.

29:14 → 29:17

You may take notice that your driver’s license, birth certificate,

29:17 → 29:20

social security card, insurance cards and more,

29:20 → 29:25

use all capital letters to legally represent the corporation with your name,

29:25 → 29:26

not you.

29:27 → 29:30

The corporation is know as an artificial person,

29:30 → 29:34

whereas you, the human being are known as a natural person.

29:36 → 29:40

This deception goes even deeper when it comes to the courts that we attend.

29:40 → 29:44

When showing up to court you will notice that there are sits for witnesses

29:44 → 29:45

behind a wooden fence or barrier.

29:46 → 29:50

The defendant must cross through the entrance to the other side of the barrier

29:50 → 29:52

where the plaintiff and judge sit.

29:52 → 29:55

This act symbolizes the boarding of a ship.

29:55 → 30:00

At this time, business can be conducted in Maritime Admiralty Law.

30:00 → 30:03

The judge, acting as caption or banker,

30:03 → 30:06

is responsible for settling the balance between the two sides.

30:07 → 30:11

This is why there’s always a monetary value involved in any court case.

30:11 → 30:15

The caption is simply dealing with banking and merchant disputes.

30:15 → 30:18

Once the balance is paid, the case is closed.

30:20 → 30:24

To turn the court case away from admiralty law where your rights are not protected,

30:25 → 30:28

you must avoid agreeing to represent the artificial person.

30:29 → 30:32

This is done by stating that you are the natural person.

30:32 → 30:36

You don’t have a first or last name because those imply corporate title.

30:37 → 30:38

In a court case,

30:38 → 30:42

you may state that the court takes judicial notice of your honors oath of office.

30:43 → 30:46

Every judge must take an oath of office to practice law.

30:46 → 30:49

Yet you must make it clear to the court and the jury

30:49 → 30:52

that the judge is acting as judge, and not banker.

30:53 → 30:56

Remember that you are a natural human being of the Earth.

30:56 → 30:59

You are not govern by anything but your own consciousness.

31:00 → 31:03

Laws are created within a society.

31:03 → 31:08

The society that created the laws we see being enforced today is called the law society.

31:10 → 31:13

Yet the most beautiful part of this entire deception

31:13 → 31:16

is the fact that we are not part of the law society,

31:16 → 31:19

so their laws do not apply to us.

31:20 → 31:25

Judges, lawyers, and law enforcement officers, they’re all part of a society.

31:25 → 31:31

Within that society, they’ve created their own language, that’s deceptively similar to English.

31:31 → 31:36

They have this little things called statutes acts and regulations that seem like laws

31:37 → 31:40

but they’re really only applies to those within their society.

31:40 → 31:44

So that basically means that all the traffic violations, minimum age requirements,

31:44 → 31:48

and everything except for damage to another person or their property

31:49 → 31:52

doesn’t really apply to the natural person.

31:53 → 31:57

Laws only apply to those within the law society.

31:57 → 32:00

The game being played is an illusion.

32:00 → 32:04

You can simply choose to open your eyes and reclaim the freedom that you were born with,

32:05 → 32:08

bound by nothing but the limits of your imagination.

32:09 → 32:13

These are just a few examples of assuring that your rights are being protected.

32:13 → 32:17

By far, the most important line of defense against this deception,

32:17 → 32:20

is to be aware of the perversion of language.

32:20 → 32:24

and be absolutely aware of how you form your beliefs and concepts.

32:24 → 32:27

In religion and politics, people’s beliefs and convictions

32:27 → 32:31

are in almost every case gotten at second hand, and without examination,

32:31 → 32:35

from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue,

32:35 → 32:38

but have taken them at second hand from other non-examiners,

32:38 → 32:42

whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing.

32:42 → 32:45

In all forms of the perversions of language

32:45 → 32:48

there is a mirror reflection of this in the microcosm of the psyche.

32:54 → 32:57

“And the problem I see which humanity today is

32:57 → 32:59

we don’t truly know ourselves anymore.

32:59 → 33:02

We have the 9:00 to 17:00 job, we have the house,

33:02 → 33:07

the children, the bills, the television, the hobbies, and the errands that we run

33:07 → 33:11

every single day, and we eventually begin to believe that this is who we are,

33:12 → 33:15

you know? But who are we beneath the job titles,

33:15 → 33:17

beneath the status of “Mother” or “Father”

33:17 → 33:20

“Theist” or “Atheist”, “Republican” or “Democrat”

33:20 → 33:23

“Black” or “White”, “Man” or “Woman”, Who are we?

33:24 → 33:26

Who are we deep down inside?

33:26 → 33:28

We don’t know because every time we hear an answer

33:29 → 33:32

that we don’t want to accept about ourselves, we deny it,

33:33 → 33:36

we’ll pass it off and project it onto somebody else and judge them for it.

33:37 → 33:39

This is repression,

33:39 → 33:43

and we see what repression can do to us on an individual level,

33:43 → 33:45

but what about on a collective level, of Humanity?

33:45 → 33:47

What happens when the whole world

33:47 → 33:51

refuses to see what they truly are on the inside?

34:22 → 34:25


34:27 → 34:31

Carl Jung discovered that there is a collective unconscious connected to all humans.

34:32 → 34:36

Meaning that the whole of humanity shares a single mind with one another.

34:37 → 34:40

This is evident in the world through accounts of shared mythology and symbols,

34:40 → 34:45

the study of morphic fields, and with the science of kinesiology.

34:45 → 34:50

This collectivity is a global example of the unconscious mind of the human body,

34:50 → 34:53

which trillions of cells share a similar signal.

34:54 → 34:56

This parasite, called our “false-ego”

34:56 → 34:59

requires a continuous flow of sustenance to survive.

35:00 → 35:05

Food, fuel, and any other form of sustenance is energy.

35:05 → 35:09

Human consciousness is an electromagnetic field of energy.

35:10 → 35:12

When this potential energy is utilized

35:12 → 35:17

it then releases kinetic energy, which is used to perpetuate the false-ego.

35:17 → 35:21

This scenario occurs in the smallest parasitic organisms,

35:21 → 35:24

all the way to a collective organism called “Humanity”.

35:24 → 35:29

A parasite will release chemicals that cause the host to crave the sustenance

35:29 → 35:31

that the parasite needs to survive.

35:31 → 35:36

As long as the host is unaware, it will keep feeding the parasite and starving itself.

35:37 → 35:42

In a similar way, Wilhelm Reich stated that whole societies suffer from a psychosis

35:42 → 35:46

caused by starving our organic biological impulses.

35:46 → 35:50

He states that sexual suppression supports the power of the church,

35:50 → 35:53

which has sunk very deep roots into the exploited masses

35:53 → 35:55

by means of sexual anxiety and guilt.

35:56 → 36:00

It engenders timidity towards authority and binds children to their parents.

36:00 → 36:03

This results in adult subservience to state authority

36:03 → 36:06

and to capitalistic exploitation.

36:06 → 36:10

It paralyzes the intellectual critical powers of the oppressed masses

36:10 → 36:13

because it consumes the greater part of biological energy.

36:14 → 36:18

Finally, it paralyzes the resolute development of creative forces

36:18 → 36:22

and renders impossible the achievement of all aspirations for human freedom.

36:23 → 36:27

In this way the prevailing economic system, in which single individuals

36:27 → 36:32

can easily rule entire masses, becomes rooted in the psychic structures

36:32 → 36:34

of the oppressed themselves.

36:36 → 36:40

What Reich was showing in this powerful quote is that on a collective level

36:40 → 36:45

the suppression of a natural function, whether biological, spiritual, or emotional,

36:45 → 36:50

will result in an abnormal reaction, a psychic disease.

36:50 → 36:53

This illness or disease is reflected into the masses

36:53 → 36:57

through a collective unconscious and acts as an epidemic.

36:58 → 37:01

Humanity is plagued with an incapacity for freedom.

37:02 → 37:07

Meaning that people and mass, lack the ability to govern themselves on a psychic level,

37:08 → 37:12

and this manifest in the macrocosm as government and organized religious powers.

37:13 → 37:17

Thus opening the throne, our national and individual throne,

37:18 → 37:20

to anyone, and anything.

37:25 → 37:27

Enter the infamous rulers of the earth

37:27 → 37:29

the patriarchs of civilization…

37:30 → 37:34

political, social, economic, and spiritual dictatorship,

37:34 → 37:36

psychic tyranny.

37:36 → 37:38

This simple illness within our psyche,

37:39 → 37:42

this lack of responsibility and neglect of basic human freedom

37:43 → 37:47

has made way for every tyrant that has ever held rule over people on this planet.

37:47 → 37:51

Mankind is caught in the cycle of fear, apathy and hatred.

37:51 → 37:55

These human instincts drive hierarchical political systems and bureaucracies

37:55 → 38:01

that most often limit he basic human right of the pursuit of happiness.

38:02 → 38:04

A society whose foundation is fear, apathy and hatred sets up a system which

38:05 → 38:09

fundamentally affects he happiness of the individual.

38:09 → 38:12

It represses individual development and maintains a cyclical behavioral pattern

38:13 → 38:19

of superiority and inferiority and a class society founded on untrue ideals.

38:24 → 38:27

But these oppressive tyrants that are demonized by the masses

38:27 → 38:28

are no different than us.

38:29 → 38:31

In fact, they are one with us.

38:32 → 38:35

In the book “The Prophet” by Kahlil Gibran

38:35 → 38:37

He poetically states:

38:37 → 38:41

I say, as the holy and the righteous cannot rise beyond the highest

38:41 → 38:42

which is in each of you.

38:42 → 38:46

So the wicked and the weak cannot fall lower than the lowest

38:46 → 38:47

which is in you also.

38:51 → 38:54

Every one of us has the capability to commit the most horrifying sin

38:55 → 38:58

or show the most beautiful compassion to our fellow men.

38:59 → 39:03

This is the very definition of an illness within the psyche and soul of man.

39:07 → 39:10

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,

39:10 → 39:14

against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world,

39:14 → 39:17

against spiritual wickedness in high places.

39:20 → 39:23

Think of any position of power that you believe to be above you…

39:25 → 39:28

Royal families, government leaders, the united nations,

39:28 → 39:33

financial organizations, corporate monopolies and media juggernauts.

39:33 → 39:36

These are all facets of our false-ego.

39:37 → 39:40

They’re the physical advent of our own sickness.

39:41 → 39:46

They require our conscious participation, our conscious energy to survive.

39:47 → 39:52

Because without our cooperation, without supplying them with the sustenance of complicity

39:52 → 39:53

they starve.

39:54 → 39:57

Their very nature depends on our desire to be ruled.

39:58 → 40:01

And a typical symptom of the illness among humanity today

40:02 → 40:04

is our continuous denial of our illness.

40:05 → 40:06


40:06 → 40:11

We consistently repress those qualities we choose not to accept about ourselves.

40:12 → 40:15

This is why it is so difficult to see the false-ego

40:15 → 40:17

and its multiple manifestations for what they truly are.

40:20 → 40:23

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious.

40:23 → 40:26

But it cannot survive treason from within.

40:27 → 40:30

This is the very nature of the false-ego,

40:30 → 40:34

it acts as a red herring to distract us from the freedom we truly have.

40:36 → 40:38

For this psychic parasite to survive,

40:38 → 40:42

it must supply us with a chemical that will cause us to remain dependent upon it.

40:44 → 40:47

In this case, the sustenance is our conscious energy,

40:49 → 40:52

and in order for us to feed to the parasite,

40:52 → 40:57

the chemical of fear causes humanity to crave protection and defense.

41:02 → 41:06

The functions of the body to survive can be broken down to two basic functions

41:06 → 41:08

for any organism to survive:

41:08 → 41:12

You have to be able to grow, maintain yourself, take care of your biology,

41:12 → 41:14

but you also must be able to protect yourself.

41:14 → 41:18

So that, if you’re just growing but you can’t protect yourself you become food

41:18 → 41:19

for something else.

41:19 → 41:24

So, survival involves a balance between growth and protection.

41:24 → 41:29

Through the history of human civilization and human evolution

41:29 → 41:33

we recognize that our nature is to be in a state of growth.

41:33 → 41:36

And that our protection is only supposed to be used

41:36 → 41:39

help us out of that threatening moment.

41:40 → 41:44

You can’t be in growth and in protection at the same time.

41:44 → 41:48

So the significance is… when we see a need of protection

41:49 → 41:53

the stress hormones in the body shut off the blood vessels in our viscera or gut

41:54 → 41:55

which is the part of the body for growth.

41:55 → 41:59

Well the issue is, if you took the blood from the viscera

41:59 → 42:02

and moved it out to the arms, then you left no blood in the viscera,

42:02 → 42:04

that means, no growth.

42:04 → 42:06

But you’re ready to fight.

42:06 → 42:10

And when your fighting is finished your blood returns back to the viscera and you grow again.

42:11 → 42:15

But in the world that we live in today it’s 24/7 fear.

42:21 → 42:25

So we have a continuous dripping of that stress hormone into the body.

42:25 → 42:29

It’s just dripping all the time, getting us ready to run or fight or flight

42:30 → 42:34

at any moment… We’re ready to go… because we’re on guard.

42:34 → 42:36

Well the problem is,

42:36 → 42:38

what does that mean about your allocation of energy?

42:38 → 42:41

And it says we’re spending most of our energy on protection.

42:45 → 42:49

You cannot survive if you’re in protection all the time.

43:02 → 43:05

And if the parasite can control the nature of the fear,

43:06 → 43:10

it can then create a fear among us, that only it can defend us against.

43:10 → 43:14

A recent physical manifestation of this comes from Zbigniew Brzezinski,

43:15 → 43:19

former secretary of state, who also supported president Barack Obama.

43:20 → 43:23

In his book, the grand chess board he states:

43:23 → 43:27

As America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society

43:27 → 43:32

it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus of foreign policy issues

43:32 → 43:37

except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived

43:37 → 43:39

direct external threat.

43:40 → 43:43

Even the Reichsfuhrer of the Nazi party, Hermann Goring,

43:43 → 43:45

sums up this game of supply and demand perfectly

43:45 → 43:49

when he stated: The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders,

43:50 → 43:51

that is easy.

43:51 → 43:53

All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked

43:54 → 43:58

and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.

43:59 → 44:01

It works the same in any country.

44:03 → 44:06

It also works the same in every individual psyche.

44:07 → 44:10

Just remember that the false-ego has only one desire -

44:11 → 44:14

to become greater and more powerful than the true self.

44:15 → 44:18

This illness causes us to believe that we are separate from nature.

44:19 → 44:22

This is why we see such a rise in the dependency of technology.

44:23 → 44:27

This is why we see such little stewardship for the earth and the environment.

44:27 → 44:31

And this is why we see bigotry, racism, sexism,

44:31 → 44:35

and every other form of discrimination possible that leads to crime,

44:35 → 44:38

violence, wars, and eventually

44:38 → 44:40

the global destruction of the organism.

44:41 → 44:45

This endless state of fear, confusion and segregation our world seems to live in

44:45 → 44:49

is a symptom of the false-ego, creating a false threat.

44:50 → 44:56

If people base their identity on identifying with authority, freedom causes anxiety.

44:56 → 45:00

They must then conceal the victim in themselves

45:00 → 45:03

by resorting to violence against others.

45:04 → 45:08


45:08 → 45:12

Many of the united states presidents have blood relations with each other

45:13 → 45:16

The Bush lineage has blood ties to a great number of former presidents.

45:17 → 45:21

George Washington, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, Abraham Lincoln,

45:22 → 45:26

Ulysses Grant, Rutherford Hayes, James Garfield, Grover Cleveland,

45:26 → 45:31

Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover

45:31 → 45:34

Franklin Roosevelt, Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

45:36 → 45:38

Michael Tsarion points out in his work

45:38 → 45:42

that Bush is closely related to any European monarch, on and off the throne

45:43 → 45:46

and has kinship with every member of Britain’s royal family.

45:47 → 45:51

Bushes family tree can be documented as far back as the early 15th century.

45:52 → 45:57

He has a direct descent from Henry the 3rd and from Henry the 8th’s sister Mary Tudor.

45:58 → 46:01

He is also descended from Charles the 2nd of England.

46:03 → 46:06

And we also find that George W. Bush is a direct descendant

46:06 → 46:08

of Godfroi de Bouillon.

46:08 → 46:12

Godfroi was the first king of Jerusalem after he recaptured it from the Saracens,

46:12 → 46:15

which was the name for the Islamic faith during the middle ages.

46:16 → 46:20

It is interesting to note that the current occupation of the U.S in the middle east

46:20 → 46:22

was reestablished by the same family:

46:22 → 46:28

George Bush Senior in 1991, and again by George Bush J. in 2003

46:29 → 46:33

George Bush J. is then found to be a cousin to both opposing candidates

46:33 → 46:36

of his two terms in office – Al Gore, and John Kerry.

46:37 → 46:42

Democratic president Barack Obama also has blood ties with George W. Bush

46:42 → 46:47

as well as Gerald Ford, Lyndon Johnson, Harry Truman, James Madison

46:47 → 46:50

and the British prime minister Sir Winston Churchill.

46:51 → 46:54

On the opposing side of the 2008 presidential ballot

46:54 → 46:59

John McCain is descendant from Robert De Bruce, King William the 1st of Scotland,

46:59 → 47:01

and also Godfroi de Bouillon.

47:06 → 47:10

And probably one of the most interesting facets of the bloodline relations is the fact that

47:10 → 47:14

the whole British royal family has descent from the Muslim prophet Mohammed

47:14 → 47:16

through the Arab kings of Sibyl.

47:17 → 47:20

This bloodline was passed through the kings of Portugal, Castile,

47:20 → 47:22

and eventually down to king Edward the 4th.

47:23 → 47:28

This is a very very different story from what you hear the media pumping out everyday

47:28 → 47:30

being this idea of lineal superiority…

47:31 → 47:35

it’s completely debunked according to the foremost authority

47:35 → 47:37

of aristocratic lineage – Burke’s Peerage.

47:38 → 47:41

And this just goes to show that, there’s the true story

47:41 → 47:45

and then there’s the manufactured illusion, the front, that is given to the public.

47:52 → 47:56

This blood ties goes on and on and are documented thoroughly

47:56 → 47:59

through literature such as Burke’s Peerage and other comparable books.

48:00 → 48:03

The point of all of this is that we find not just the same people,

48:04 → 48:08

but the same intent within the people, who have held high positions of monarchy,

48:08 → 48:12

dynasty, aristocracy and democracy, in the past and present.

48:13 → 48:16

And they are all related by a physical and symbolic link.

48:17 → 48:20

This bloodline carries the symbol of our illness.

48:25 → 48:28

To develop a more or less accurate self-image…

48:28 → 48:32

is simply to gain a comprehensive awareness of those facets of yourself

48:32 → 48:35

which you didn’t know existed.

48:35 → 48:41

And these facets are easily spotted because they show up as your symptoms…

48:44 → 48:51


48:53 → 48:55

The symptoms of our psycho-spiritual illness

48:56 → 49:01

are the wars, terrorist attacks, artificial or man-made disasters and leader figures.

49:02 → 49:06

As long as the people remain oblivious to their inner drives and inner nature

49:06 → 49:10

they will always fail to recognize why this events take place

49:10 → 49:13

and why these figures rise to such powerful positions.

49:15 → 49:17

The reason why we have failed for thousands of years

49:17 → 49:22

to conquer these archetypal rulers permanently is because for thousands of years

49:22 → 49:26

we have been fighting the symptoms of an illness and not the root cause.

49:26 → 49:31

For every corrupt government that falls at the hands of a revolutionary oppressed people,

49:32 → 49:34

two more will rise in its place every time.

49:35 → 49:37

Because the root cause of a corrupt government

49:37 → 49:40

does not exist in the individual leading that government.

49:42 → 49:44

It exists within the psyche of every individual.

49:45 → 49:48

Because an unaware host to a deadly parasite

49:48 → 49:52

will do anything to avoid accepting his own incapacity for freedom.

49:53 → 50:01

People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own soul.

50:06 → 50:08

We are so bereft of sanity in this world,

50:08 → 50:12

that those few who simply stop projecting on to others

50:12 → 50:15

and begin facing their own demons, are seen as neurotic.

50:17 → 50:19

An article written in the 1950s states

50:19 → 50:23

that studies showed that individuals who had been isolated from their familiar

50:23 → 50:26

social and cultural environment, became neurotic.

50:27 → 50:30

This shows that when those individuals had no object

50:30 → 50:32

to identify their darker motions with,

50:32 → 50:34

they began to see these things in themselves

50:35 → 50:37

that which they refused to recognize before,

50:37 → 50:40

and were unaware of why they appeared and how to cope.

50:44 → 50:47

Facing our true inner self is virtually unknown in our world today.

50:48 → 50:51

This is why no matter how many civilizations rise and fall,

50:52 → 50:55

it is our collective consciousness that creates our governing apparatus,

50:56 → 50:57

not individual people.

50:59 → 51:03

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again

51:03 → 51:07

and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein

51:09 → 51:13

And after countless attempts you would imagine that people would realize

51:13 → 51:16

that a physical retaliation may not be the solution.

51:16 → 51:18

Yet here we are…

51:18 → 51:21

thousands of years later, with technology that can clone DNA,

51:22 → 51:25

vehicles that can break the sound barrier and probe the depths of space,

51:26 → 51:29

and science that can overcome almost any sickness,

51:30 → 51:34

yet we still fail to take notice to the importance of thoughts and consciousness.

51:35 → 51:37

This is the very definitions of insanity.

51:39 → 51:42

And every single one of us is responsible for this psychic epidemic.

51:43 → 51:47

Because we’re killing the messenger and paying no attention to the message.

52:08 → 52:14


52:15 → 52:19

…during the 1990’s, three Nobel laureates in medicine,

52:19 → 52:22

advanced research that revealed the primary function of DNA

52:22 → 52:26

lies not in protein synthesis, as widely believed for the past century,

52:27 → 52:30

but in electromagnetic energy reception and transmission.

52:31 → 52:35

Less than three percent of DNA’s function involved protein manufacture;

52:35 → 52:40

more than ninety percent functions in the realm of bioacoustic and bioelectric signaling.

52:42 → 52:46

So why is it important to know that DNA functions in bioelectric signaling?

52:47 → 52:49

HEARTHMATH institute has discovered

52:49 → 52:53

the heart and brain maintain a continuous two-way dialogue,

52:53 → 52:55

each influencing the other’s functioning.

52:56 → 52:58

Although it is not well known,

52:58 → 53:02

the heart sends far more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart.

53:02 → 53:06

and the signals the heart sends to the brain can influence perception,

53:06 → 53:09

emotional processing and higher cognitive functions.

53:10 → 53:15

The heart also generates the strongest rhythmic electromagnetic field in the body

53:15 → 53:19

and this actually can be measured in the brainwaves of people around us.

53:20 → 53:25

We are quite literally an electromagnetic expression of our highest cognitive function.

53:26 → 53:31

The behavior of electromagnetism is evident throughout the world as dualism.

53:32 → 53:35

All matter contains a negative and positive charge.

53:35 → 53:38

Which means organisms are built upon this foundation.

53:39 → 53:44

The natural homeostasis of any organism is a balance of both polarities.

53:46 → 53:49

Furthermore, research on emotional energetics shows that

53:49 → 53:52

the heart’s field is a carrier of emotional information

53:52 → 53:55

and a mediator of bio-electromagnetic communication,

53:56 → 53:58

within and outside the body.

53:58 → 54:01

Research shows our heart’s field changes distinctly

54:01 → 54:03

as we experience different emotions.

54:03 → 54:06

It is registered in people’s brains around us

54:06 → 54:08

and apparently is capable of affecting cells,

54:09 → 54:11

water, and DNA studied in vitro.

54:13 → 54:14


54:14 → 54:17

the chemical supplied by a collective parasite

54:17 → 54:21

creates a distinct bioelectric signal given off by the host.

54:22 → 54:25

This signal is disseminated to the organisms within our community

54:25 → 54:28

and will grow outward through the entire organism

54:28 → 54:31

unless it is counter balanced by an opposing force.

54:31 → 54:34

Doctor Fritz Allan Poe discovered that the cells in our body

54:34 → 54:38

communicate through bio-photons, which are tiny particles of light

54:38 → 54:41

that are single units of an electro magnetic field.

54:41 → 54:45

This communication system within our body also exists between people

54:45 → 54:47

and what’s known as morphic resonance.

54:49 → 54:52

This was known by the shamans, sages and adapts of antiquity.

54:53 → 54:56

These teachings were common place in prehistoric cultures.

54:57 → 55:01

It wasn’t by sheer chance that artistic expressions and rituals

55:01 → 55:04

were the cornerstone of every ancient civilization.

55:04 → 55:07

Art was used as a personal method to exercise

55:07 → 55:11

the shadow content of the psyche and introduce it to the conscious mind.

55:12 → 55:15

This was very literally viewed as psychic therapy.

55:16 → 55:19

Ritual was based around astrological dates.

55:19 → 55:24

As we’ve learned, the study of the stars and planets reflect our own astro-psychology

55:25 → 55:28

The shamans would perform rituals on astrological dates

55:28 → 55:32

that would correlate with a circadian rhythm or psychological cycle.

55:33 → 55:36

These rituals kept the human participants aware of their inner-self

55:37 → 55:40

and prevented the repression of psychological content.

55:41 → 55:45

As long as people were facing their inner demons and accepting them as their own

55:46 → 55:49

they were not collectively projecting them into the physical world.

55:51 → 55:55

If you bring what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.

55:56 → 55:58

If you do not bring forth what is within you,

55:58 → 56:01

what you do not bring forth will destroy you.

56:02 → 56:05

The progeny of our psychological disease

56:05 → 56:08

began growing rapidly after a series of catastrophes

56:08 → 56:11

forced the collective into a somatic state of fight or flight.

56:13 → 56:15

This lowered the immunity of the population

56:15 → 56:18

by introducing a state of immense stress.

56:18 → 56:21

Our body becomes more susceptible to illness under stress.

56:22 → 56:26

In this manner, Humanity felt ill when entire bodies of land

56:26 → 56:28

were swallowed up by the flood waters.

56:28 → 56:32

This uprooted many tribes, chieftains, and civilizations from their homes

56:33 → 56:36

and their ritual practices that were used as a conduit for psychic wellness

56:37 → 56:42

were put on hold in order to survive the catastrophe and seek new homes.

56:42 → 56:45

The shamans were spread to many new areas of the world,

56:46 → 56:48

this information has been suppressed.

56:48 → 56:52

We’re made to believe that advanced civilizations such as ancient Egypt

56:52 → 56:55

and the Mayans of Mesoamerica came about with no prior

56:55 → 56:59

rudimentary remnants or evidence of evolving intellectual artifacts

56:59 → 57:00

to bring them to their peak.

57:01 → 57:04

We are meant to believe that their incredible knowledge of mathematic,

57:04 → 57:09

astrology, agriculture, economic, polity and architecture came out of nowhere…

57:10 → 57:13

This leads many researches today to the understanding that the origins

57:14 → 57:16

of these civilizations have been suppressed.

57:16 → 57:20

Not surprisingly, the force that has guided the suppression of this knowledge

57:20 → 57:25

come from the exact bloodline of the political and religious leaders stated previously

57:27 → 57:29

These are some of the notable book burnings and suppression

57:30 → 57:32

of important text in our history.

57:41 → 57:43

Yet after all of this suppression,

57:43 → 57:48

there are still remnants of the dispersion of elder civilizations in nearly every country.

57:49 → 57:52

There’s tremendous evidence of ancient cultures visiting north America

57:52 → 57:56

long before the conventional belief of European colonization.

57:57 → 58:00

Barry Fell states in his book “America BC”:

58:00 → 58:05

There are ancient inscriptions now being reported from nearly all parts of the U.S,

58:05 → 58:06

Canada, and Latin America…

58:07 → 58:10

written in various European and Mediterranean languages

58:10 → 58:13

in alphabets that date from 2,500 years ago.

58:14 → 58:16

William Comynus Beaumont wrote:

58:16 → 58:20

…the Toltec and Maya civilizations never originated on American soil

58:20 → 58:24

but appeared there full blown, with a well-defined art

58:24 → 58:28

and system of hieroglyphic writing, which possesses affinities with Egyptian.

58:30 → 58:33

It is found that there are thousands of prehistoric sites across New England

58:33 → 58:38

and several other northern states showing inscriptions, carvings, and mounds

58:38 → 58:42

created by druidic mariners as far back as 100 BC.

58:47 → 58:49

To suppress this information further,

58:49 → 58:53

it was not only imperative for the bloodline to burn the documented text

58:53 → 58:55

containing true historical information,

58:55 → 58:59

but to wipe out the cultures that derived from these ancient shamans.

58:59 → 59:02

The most devastating genocide ever endured

59:02 → 59:06

was and still is, the annihilation of shamanic tribes.

59:07 → 59:11

We’ve lost our traditional roots, and don’t know about ritual.

59:11 → 59:14

The dragon dances, and the ghost dances of the native American Indians…

59:14 → 59:17

what do you think that was all about? all the shamans of the world…

59:17 → 59:20

When they do their rituals, they’re doing that, their work,

59:20 → 59:24

harmonically, through dances, is to strengthen the immune system of the Earth,

59:24 → 59:26

but they’ve been all murdered.

59:26 → 59:29

So that was why in the 17 century, exactly the same period I’m talking about,

59:29 → 59:34

there was an all out agenda, that when you come across indigenous people, you annihilate them.

59:35 → 59:38

Columbus was sent on his expedition along with agents of the crown,

59:39 → 59:42

to disrupt the lives of the natives and seize mineral resources.

59:42 → 59:45

He visited every island in the Caribbean,

59:45 → 59:47

depleting the gold and taking as many slaves

59:47 → 59:49

of the native Tano tribe as possible.

59:50 → 59:54

5 Million natives were murdered within 3 years according to Leah Trabich.

59:55 → 1:00:01

Within 15 years, the Arawak tribe of 250,000 was completely wiped out.

1:00:02 → 1:00:07

The population of the United States prior to European contact was greater than 12 million.

1:00:07 → 1:00:14

Four centuries later, the count was reduced by 95% to 237 thousand.

1:00:15 → 1:00:18

From 1494 to 1508,

1:00:18 → 1:00:23

over three million people had perished from war, slavery, and the mines.

1:00:23 → 1:00:26

Who in future generations will believe this?

1:00:26 → 1:00:30

I myself writing this as a knowledgeable eyewitness can hardly believe it…

1:00:30 → 1:00:34

My eyes have seen these acts so foreign to human nature,

1:00:34 → 1:00:36

and now I tremble as I write.

1:00:38 → 1:00:42

Another agent of the false-ego bloodline was Hernando Cortes

1:00:42 → 1:00:46

who decimated the Aztec tribe and plundered their mineral resources.

1:00:47 → 1:00:51

This again was the case through Cortes’s second cousin, Francisco Pizarro

1:00:51 → 1:00:53

who conquered the Incan empire in Peru.

1:00:54 → 1:00:59

These atrocities are seen throughout Africa, New Zealand, New Guinea, East Timor

1:00:59 → 1:01:01

and are still seen today in Canada.

1:01:02 → 1:01:05

This was a deliberate attempt to bury any survivor remnants

1:01:05 → 1:01:08

of the ancient world, and our true history.

1:01:08 → 1:01:10

It is a naive mistake however,

1:01:10 → 1:01:13

to categorize and blame everything and everyone involved

1:01:13 → 1:01:17

with politics or religion, for this suppression of knowledge.

1:01:17 → 1:01:20

It is only natural for people to crave spiritual understanding

1:01:20 → 1:01:22

when there are so many manufactured missing links

1:01:23 → 1:01:25

and perversions in the spiritual texts today.

1:01:26 → 1:01:29

And due to this void of spiritual wisdom,

1:01:29 → 1:01:33

honest and moral people who are simply trying to understand their place in this world

1:01:33 → 1:01:36

become the prime consumer market for those who whish

1:01:36 → 1:01:38

to exploit this vulnerability.

1:01:40 → 1:01:43

To have enough power to run our own lives basically.

1:01:44 → 1:01:46

If we look at the New Age movement for instance,

1:01:46 → 1:01:48

which is another kind of trap in all of this,

1:01:49 → 1:01:51

where people might end up actually.

1:01:51 → 1:01:54

They’re looking for something so bad, that they

1:01:54 → 1:01:57

are taking all of this things that are handed to us, or to them.

1:01:57 → 1:02:00

But it’s not really based on any real understanding,

1:02:00 → 1:02:04

it’s still, kind of coming from a religious type of perspective.

1:02:07 → 1:02:10

People are genuinely seeking something new,

1:02:11 → 1:02:14

they’re genuinely seeking a new type of spirituality

1:02:14 → 1:02:17

or to better themselves or to change something,

1:02:17 → 1:02:19

but this is being hijacked.

1:02:19 → 1:02:22

And what they actually do is that they lead you into another type of

1:02:22 → 1:02:26

a group mentality, or a new age religion, whatever it is

1:02:26 → 1:02:30

and people still, are not able to kind of really break free from that and follow their own…

1:02:31 → 1:02:35

journey, or their own path, which I think is very important in all of this.

1:02:37 → 1:02:41

Each of us is something of a schizophrenic personality,

1:02:42 → 1:02:46

tragically divided against ourselves.

1:02:49 → 1:02:53

In the pre-Christian era there were several cults of incredible power.

1:02:53 → 1:02:59

Most notably, the Stellar, Solar, Saturnian, Lunar, and Mushroom cults.

1:03:00 → 1:03:04

It is simple to see that worshipers of the Lunar God is comprised of the lunar cult.

1:03:07 → 1:03:10

The worship of Sun Gods were indicative of the Solar cults.

1:03:12 → 1:03:16

The Saturnian cult, which consisted of Phoenicians and Canaanites

1:03:16 → 1:03:18

worshiped El, or Ely.

1:03:18 → 1:03:21

The biblical exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt

1:03:21 → 1:03:24

showed that they entered Canaan and merged the Lunar cult of Isis,

1:03:25 → 1:03:28

the Solar cult of Ra, and the Saturnian cult of El.

1:03:28 → 1:03:31

To form Isis-Ra-El

1:03:31 → 1:03:33


1:03:33 → 1:03:37

The old Israelites cult and mythology, the Yahweh-worship,

1:03:37 → 1:03:41

the patriarchal legends, the sojourn in Egypt, and so on,

1:03:41 → 1:03:44

are rooted in the religion of the sacred fungus,

1:03:44 → 1:03:48

developed from the underlying fertility philosophy of the ancient Near East.

1:03:50 → 1:03:53

The Jewish Miter, Muslim Turbans and military berets

1:03:53 → 1:03:56

are derivations of the symbol of the mushroom cult.

1:03:57 → 1:04:01

One of the first and most prominent however, was the Stellar cult.

1:04:02 → 1:04:04

And though number of these ancient cults were created for shamanic

1:04:05 → 1:04:07

purposes and earthly stewardship

1:04:07 → 1:04:10

yet some were taken over with different intentions.

1:04:11 → 1:04:14

Just as you would imagine, in any establishment of power

1:04:14 → 1:04:18

smaller cults formed within the main cults to worship individual deities

1:04:19 → 1:04:23

The cult of Mithras and the cult of Dionysus are two examples.

1:04:24 → 1:04:27

You still today can see the mithraic or Phrygian cap

1:04:27 → 1:04:29

on the symbol of the seated liberty dollar,

1:04:29 → 1:04:33

the code of arms of many countries, the reversed side of the flag of Paraguay,

1:04:33 → 1:04:35

the seal of the U.S Senate,

1:04:36 → 1:04:40

and even involved in the solar cult holiday that we now call Christmas.

1:04:41 → 1:04:44

In the cult of Dionysus, many festivals were celebrated,

1:04:44 → 1:04:49

such as The Greater Dionysia, celebrated in Athens around the spring equinox.

1:04:49 → 1:04:53

The foremost event in this festival was the Thaimela contest

1:04:53 → 1:04:57

in which poets, musicians and entertainers performed in an open air theatre.

1:04:58 → 1:05:02

Musicians did not have to pay taxes, and members of the artists guild

1:05:02 → 1:05:05

did not have to participate in military affairs.

1:05:05 → 1:05:10

The cult of Dionysus is still alive to this day… as the entertainment industry.

1:05:14 → 1:05:20

The Christian church is an encyclopedia of prehistoric cults. – Friedrich Nietzsche

1:05:21 → 1:05:25

The Old Testament contains the story of this coming together.

1:05:25 → 1:05:28

The elite dynasties of these cults operate, through their descendants,

1:05:29 → 1:05:32

in this world today and are extremely powerful.

1:05:34 → 1:05:37

These cults still exist in many important positions of power

1:05:37 → 1:05:39

throughout the entire civilized world.

1:05:39 → 1:05:42

Yet the most important functions of these groups

1:05:42 → 1:05:45

is to manufacture the consent and complicity of the people.

1:05:47 → 1:05:52

The conscious mind is the creative mind, it’s the one that has your personal identity into it.

1:05:52 → 1:05:54

It does the real thinking.

1:05:54 → 1:05:59

And then there’s the subconscious mind, well there’s no entity in it, the subconscious mind

1:05:59 → 1:06:01

is equivalent of a tape player, it records behavior

1:06:01 → 1:06:04

and then at a push of a button it plays a behavior, it’s automatic.

1:06:04 → 1:06:08

It’s a very convenient thing because then we don’t have to relearn all the time,

1:06:08 → 1:06:10

once you know it you can make a pattern.

1:06:10 → 1:06:15

The problem is that the basic patterns of belief and behavior

1:06:15 → 1:06:17

that are programmed in the subconscious mind

1:06:17 → 1:06:21

came from our teachers, primarily our parents, our family and our community.

1:06:21 → 1:06:24

So most people don’t even understand how easily we are influenced by our environment.

1:06:25 → 1:06:28

Every person that we encounter, every single situation that we’re faced with,

1:06:29 → 1:06:30

every little word that’s said on television.

1:06:30 → 1:06:34

It may not seem too influential to our conscious mind, but

1:06:34 → 1:06:39

your unconscious is designed specifically to let every environmental signal

1:06:39 → 1:06:41

to influence you without your awareness.

1:06:41 → 1:06:45

So the question is – are we living conscious or unconscious lives?

1:06:46 → 1:06:49

And now neuroscience has told us that in the unfolding of our lives

1:06:50 → 1:06:53

only 5% of our life is controlled by our conscious mind

1:06:54 → 1:06:57

and 95% of the time controlled by the subconscious

1:06:57 → 1:07:00

with programs from other people that were installed in there.

1:07:00 → 1:07:05

And the problem is, it means when those programs are playing – we don’t see them.

1:07:05 → 1:07:10

And the skeptics will sit there and say: “Consciousness? Archetypes? Astrology?”

1:07:10 → 1:07:14

“No no no, we create things with our hands, not our minds.”

1:07:14 → 1:07:17

“Archetypes aren’t physical, they can’t influence me.”

1:07:18 → 1:07:21

But when you think of the fact that we’re only conscious

1:07:21 → 1:07:24

of this small little fraction of our behavior…

1:07:24 → 1:07:28

What we don’t realize is that entire countries, entire civilizations

1:07:28 → 1:07:30

that think they’re free and independent

1:07:31 → 1:07:34

but are unconsciously too afraid to be free and independent

1:07:34 → 1:07:36

they will beg to be governed

1:07:36 → 1:07:40

and if they can’t do it themselves, who do you think will consciously or unconsciously

1:07:40 → 1:07:42

take that responsibility?

1:07:42 → 1:07:46

It usually ends up being that strong masculine animus archetypal figure.

1:07:48 → 1:07:52

When we think we’re in danger, we’re not looking for our mother to nurture us,

1:07:52 → 1:07:54

we want our father to protect us.

1:07:54 → 1:07:56

And right on cue, with the age of fear,

1:07:56 → 1:07:59

this age of catastrophe, the age of this parasite

1:07:59 → 1:08:02

we see masculine domination.

1:08:04 → 1:08:07

One of the primary conduits for giving our responsibility

1:08:07 → 1:08:10

and our conscious energy away is money.

1:08:10 → 1:08:14

We surely don’t want to admit that our dependency on money is flawed

1:08:14 → 1:08:16

because that would imply that the fault is our own.

1:08:16 → 1:08:19

and god forbidden we take responsibility for our lives…

1:08:19 → 1:08:22

so we blame the money.

1:08:23 → 1:08:28

This is the cornerstone of the entire illusion being built around us by the false-ego.

1:08:28 → 1:08:31

Money is said to be the root of all evil.

1:08:31 → 1:08:34

Yet it cannot be evil, because money is only a symbol.

1:08:35 → 1:08:38

Symbols carry only the faith of spirit of the observer

1:08:39 → 1:08:41

This means that the symbol of paper money…

1:08:42 → 1:08:44

Yet it cannot be evil, because money is only a symbol.

1:08:45 → 1:08:48

Symbols carry only the faith of spirit of the observer.

1:08:49 → 1:08:52

This means that the symbol of paper money evokes

1:08:53 → 1:08:56

and surfaces the evil intentions and inherent flaw of our false-ego.

1:08:57 → 1:09:01

Money only exist because we agree to accept it as valuable.

1:09:02 → 1:09:05

And to further illustrate our incapacity for freedom,

1:09:05 → 1:09:08

we’ve given the control of our faith based money

1:09:08 → 1:09:11

to a private corporation instead of the federal government.

1:09:11 → 1:09:16

There is no law stating that we have to use federal reserved notes as currency.

1:09:16 → 1:09:20

We choose to, because we fear the alternative…

1:09:20 → 1:09:23


1:09:25 → 1:09:31

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”

1:09:34 → 1:09:37

But it’s not really even about money, it’s about energy

1:09:37 → 1:09:40

because money is simply this material thing that

1:09:40 → 1:09:44

allows billions of people to crave just one thing

1:09:44 → 1:09:46

and put their energy into the same thing.

1:09:46 → 1:09:51

It’s not the Plasma T.V or the House or the Lifestyle or the Job

1:09:51 → 1:09:54

or the significant other, or the status, that we’re really after,

1:09:54 → 1:09:57

cause we know that we’re empty.

1:09:57 → 1:10:03

These people feel sadness and loneliness and void just like anybody else

1:10:03 → 1:10:06

and they even wanna fill that void with

1:10:06 → 1:10:09

materialism, because they think that that will make them feel better.

1:10:09 → 1:10:13

Or they wanna sedate the void feeling with material possession

1:10:13 → 1:10:17

so it all comes back to this feeling of having to put our

1:10:17 → 1:10:20

dependency into an external source, something that we have

1:10:20 → 1:10:22

absolutely no control over.

1:10:22 → 1:10:25

What we’re seeing right now with all the competition of each other,

1:10:26 → 1:10:30

destroying each other, wars, competing for material existing,

1:10:30 → 1:10:34

raping the planet and tearing it apart to get some pieces of it

1:10:34 → 1:10:36

to hold in your hands and say you won the game.

1:10:36 → 1:10:40

Every one of those moves is destructive not just of the planet

1:10:40 → 1:10:41

but of human civilization

1:10:42 → 1:10:45

Because human civilization will thrive with cooperation

1:10:45 → 1:10:47

and will die with competition.

1:10:47 → 1:10:50

and if you operate from these truths then you end up with…

1:10:50 → 1:10:53

the extinction that lies before us.

1:10:54 → 1:10:58

You see, we all have demons, so to speak,

1:10:58 → 1:11:01

we all have inner demons in our lives but we expect to see

1:11:01 → 1:11:03

devilish monsters or dark apparitions

1:11:03 → 1:11:06

when you think of a demon kind of like what you see in the cinema…

1:11:06 → 1:11:10

But our demons are really the people in our everyday lives

1:11:10 → 1:11:14

the people that we argue with, the people that we envy or hate,

1:11:14 → 1:11:19

the ones we physically or emotionally harm in some way, shape, or form.

1:11:19 → 1:11:23

And it’s not because we envy or hate qualities in these specific people,

1:11:23 → 1:11:27

as much as we hate the fact that they remind us of ourself.

1:11:27 → 1:11:30

They reflect qualities about ourselves

1:11:30 → 1:11:32

that we whish we had more of,

1:11:33 → 1:11:35

or that we whish we didn’t have at all.

1:11:35 → 1:11:38

So what do we do? – We alleviate that pain

1:11:38 → 1:11:42

not by fixing or fighting our own demons

1:11:42 → 1:11:46

but by harming the people that remind us of our demons.

1:11:46 → 1:11:49

by harming the people that remind us of the things that we don’t like about ourselves.

1:11:50 → 1:11:54

And when we become frustrated that we’re not in control of our emotions,

1:11:54 → 1:11:57

because we don’t really know what’s affecting our emotions,

1:11:57 → 1:12:01

we take it out on others, we take it out on absolutely anything else that can

1:12:02 → 1:12:06

show us, or act as a catalyst for our hatred.

1:12:06 → 1:12:10

And so we do the same thing to animals, animals are perfect because

1:12:10 → 1:12:11

they can’t defend themselves.

1:12:12 → 1:12:16

It’s a perfect catalyst for inner aggression, our confusion, our hatred…

1:12:16 → 1:12:19

just take it out on something absolutely helpless.

1:12:20 → 1:12:23

Just imagine how unconscious a person has to be

1:12:24 → 1:12:29

of his or her actions, to torture or mutilate or brutalize any living thing.

1:13:19 → 1:13:23

Think of the lack of compassion you must have towards life in general

1:13:23 → 1:13:25

to be able to feel no semblance of sympathy

1:13:25 → 1:13:30

towards entire populations, let alone just individuals or individual animals…

1:13:30 → 1:13:36

Entire populations of species that are bred specifically for the purpose of commodity.

1:13:36 → 1:13:38

But I’ll tell you what’s even more dangerous…

1:13:38 → 1:13:41

is not so much that people carrying out this cruelty,

1:13:42 → 1:13:43

because that’s already been established.

1:13:43 → 1:13:48

That form of hatred and cruelty has already been established and is already known.

1:13:49 → 1:13:54

What I’m really worried about is the people who are against inhumanity,

1:13:54 → 1:13:59

the people who are against animal cruelty and feel self righteous enough

1:13:59 → 1:14:03

to think that it’s justified to inflict harm or even whish harm on these people.

1:14:03 → 1:14:07

Because those are the people who take unconscious cruel behavior

1:14:08 → 1:14:12

to a whole new level of conscious cruel behavior that’s perfectly acceptable on them.

1:14:12 → 1:14:16

Because they feel that it’s their job to bring other people to justice.

1:14:17 → 1:14:19

Like they’re an authority figure of some sort

1:14:19 → 1:14:23

Those are the people who will have a much harder time figuring out

1:14:23 → 1:14:26

why they harbor so much inner hatred and resentment.

1:14:27 → 1:14:30

They don’t seem to realize that it’s just another form of the same exact hatred.

1:14:30 → 1:14:35

So to keep from facing our inner demons, consistently, what do we do?

1:14:35 → 1:14:39

When we begin to realize, “Hey wait a minute, maybe it’s not alright

1:14:39 → 1:14:41

to inflict harm on any other living thing”,

1:14:42 → 1:14:45

then the ego has to come up with more esoteric form of cruelty

1:14:45 → 1:14:48

to trick us into displaying the same form of self-hatred,

1:14:48 → 1:14:50

the same indignant attitude,

1:14:51 → 1:14:53

but just in another way and towards another group of people.

1:14:54 → 1:14:57

But the emptiness will find a way back in

1:14:58 → 1:15:00

and people will always start to feel restless again

1:15:01 → 1:15:02

no matter how many times they transfer blame

1:15:02 → 1:15:05

to yet another person or yet another group.

1:15:06 → 1:15:10

We need chaos in our lives, we crave destruction,

1:15:10 → 1:15:12

we beg for cattastrophe.

1:15:12 → 1:15:14

Because if we don’t have these things

1:15:15 → 1:15:18

to act as a form of exorcism or a catalyst for us,

1:15:19 → 1:15:21

we start to notice these things in ourselves

1:15:21 → 1:15:22

and that’s what we don’t want.

1:15:23 → 1:15:27

See, we can deal with wars, we can deal with terrorism,

1:15:27 → 1:15:31

we can deal with stock market collapse and economic collapse,

1:15:32 → 1:15:33

we can deal with these things.

1:15:33 → 1:15:35

But once we start to notice this chaos within ourselves,

1:15:35 → 1:15:37

that’s what we’re really afraid of.

1:15:38 → 1:15:41

We’ll take a million September 11’s over one moment

1:15:41 → 1:15:43

of true insight toward our self-hate.

1:15:45 → 1:15:49

“We are effectively destroying ourselves by violence masquerading as love.”

1:15:49 → 1:15:53

“There is a great deal of pain in life and perhaps the only pain

1:15:53 → 1:15:58

that can be avoided is the pain that comes from trying to avoid pain.”

1:15:59 → 1:16:03

And you know that the most interesting part of all of this is…

1:16:04 → 1:16:06

We encounter things everyday.

1:16:06 → 1:16:09

Every single day that we either accept with open arms

1:16:10 → 1:16:12

or that we reject violently,

1:16:12 → 1:16:15

the interesting part is not really what we’re accepting or rejecting

1:16:15 → 1:16:18

as much as what it is inside us

1:16:18 → 1:16:23

that makes us feel compelled to a certain thing or repelled from a certain thing.

1:16:24 → 1:16:28

There’s this fundamental duel behavior of muscular strength or weakness,

1:16:29 → 1:16:32

attraction or repulsion, and what’s interesting about this is

1:16:32 → 1:16:36

when you realize that consciousness, awareness,

1:16:36 → 1:16:39

that intangible essence that animates all matter

1:16:39 → 1:16:41

into what we see around us as life,

1:16:42 → 1:16:45

that is where you will find the origin of this duel behavior.

1:16:45 → 1:16:49

It’s been explained as the inhalation and exhalation of Brahma.

1:16:49 → 1:16:54

The contraction and the expansion of Arman and Lucifer

1:16:54 → 1:16:55

in an anthroposophical setting.

1:16:55 → 1:16:59

The active and the passive qualities in Electricity,

1:16:59 → 1:17:02

The masculine and feminine qualities, Yin and Yang,

1:17:02 → 1:17:04

Existence and Nothingness,

1:17:04 → 1:17:07

These are all ways to explain the same behavior process

1:17:07 → 1:17:12

that begins with awareness, begins with consciousness.

1:17:12 → 1:17:16

And if you get rid of all the images and concepts in our minds,

1:17:17 → 1:17:18

of these sayings in your head,

1:17:18 → 1:17:21

and just try to feel the difference between the two polarities,

1:17:21 → 1:17:25

you’ll begin to notice that all of the different scenarios and possibilities

1:17:25 → 1:17:29

that are playing out in the world, all spawn from this common origin.

1:17:31 → 1:17:35

You’ll have a million people telling you why the bible is supposedly

1:17:35 → 1:17:37

the word of God and that you should follow it word for word.

1:17:38 → 1:17:41

And then you’ll have another million claiming that it’s a form of Mind Control

1:17:41 → 1:17:43

and not to believe any of it.

1:17:43 → 1:17:46

Everybody will tell you to “Be aware of this”, or “Watch out for that”

1:17:46 → 1:17:49

“This is good information”, “This is bad information”

1:17:49 → 1:17:51

And I just have to wonder,

1:17:51 → 1:17:55

what makes anyone an authority figure enough to say that something is true or false?

1:17:56 → 1:17:58

And why are you denying or accepting anything

1:17:58 → 1:18:00

based on the suggestion of another person?

1:18:01 → 1:18:03

Why aren’t you making that decision for yourself?

1:18:03 → 1:18:05

Information is information,

1:18:05 → 1:18:10

there’s no such thing as good or bad information, it’s all what you do with it.

1:18:10 → 1:18:13

I say, let everything be your Bible,

1:18:13 → 1:18:17

Give every piece of information, every person, every event or scenario

1:18:18 → 1:18:20

or situation an honest and open mind.

1:18:20 → 1:18:24

Because that is your responsibility to respond to it in the way that you choose.

1:18:24 → 1:18:29

Not following the herd, not following convention, it’s your responsibility.

1:18:30 → 1:18:33

And that’s the point when no matter how many people

1:18:33 → 1:18:37

tell you you’re wrong or right, you’re not dependant upon their approval.

1:18:39 → 1:18:44

If we at least question our own actions, question our own thought process

1:18:45 → 1:18:48

and make a conscious decision to what we feel is right every single day,

1:18:49 → 1:18:51

that’s what I believe to be Divinity.

1:18:51 → 1:18:53

That’s true shamanism.

1:18:54 → 1:18:58

And that, to me, is what it really feels like to be alive.

1:19:04 → 1:19:09

In this conscious living universe there are no laws of nature, just habits.

1:19:09 → 1:19:13

There is nothing external to the universe to enforce a law upon it.

1:19:14 → 1:19:16

The illusion of a fixed law of nature

1:19:16 → 1:19:20

is only the result of there being no need for that habit to be broken.

1:19:21 → 1:19:22

When habits need to be broken,

1:19:22 → 1:19:24

to ensure the survival of the organism,

1:19:25 → 1:19:28

we see this event in nature, and call it Evolution.

1:19:29 → 1:19:31

The collective mind shapes our evolution.

1:19:32 → 1:19:35

And a great example of this is the experiment done by

1:19:35 → 1:19:37

John Karat in 1988.

1:19:38 → 1:19:40

His team put lactose-intolerant cells

1:19:40 → 1:19:43

in an environment with only lactose for food.

1:19:43 → 1:19:45

Under a “Law” of nature,

1:19:45 → 1:19:48

every one of this lactose-intolerant cells would have died.

1:19:48 → 1:19:51

But surprisingly, they all survived.

1:19:51 → 1:19:55

Every one of them understood the problem that they were facing,

1:19:55 → 1:19:58

and replaced the defective lactase-enzyme with a functioning one

1:19:58 → 1:20:00

to utilize lactose for food.

1:20:01 → 1:20:04

If a cell has the ability to decide how and when to evolve

1:20:04 → 1:20:06

because it’s facing extinction

1:20:07 → 1:20:09

then anything can.

1:20:09 → 1:20:12

The existing beliefs are that a human body

1:20:12 → 1:20:14

is a biochemical machine controlled by genes.

1:20:14 → 1:20:17

And therefore, the behavior, emotion,

1:20:17 → 1:20:20

and characters of our biology, our health, our lives

1:20:20 → 1:20:22

are controlled by genes which we don’t control.

1:20:23 → 1:20:26

So this is what we taught people: You’re a victim, genes control your life,

1:20:26 → 1:20:29

you didn’t pick them, you can’t change them, the genes you end up with

1:20:29 → 1:20:31

program what’s gonna happen.

1:20:32 → 1:20:36

My experiments on stem cells, which I started in 1967

1:20:36 → 1:20:39

I’d isolate one stem cell, put it in a Petri dish

1:20:39 → 1:20:42

and then it would divide every 10 hours.

1:20:42 → 1:20:45

So I took all the cells, split them up into 3 groups

1:20:45 → 1:20:47

and then just put them in 3 Petri dishes.

1:20:48 → 1:20:51

And then I changed the growth medium, the constituents of the environment

1:20:51 → 1:20:54

in each of the three dishes.

1:20:54 → 1:20:56

In one dish the cells formed bone,

1:20:56 → 1:20:58

the second dish they formed muscle,

1:20:58 → 1:21:01

and the third dish they formed fat cells.

1:21:01 → 1:21:04

What controlled the fate of a cell?

1:21:05 → 1:21:08

And the first thing you have to say is “Wait, they were all genetically identical

1:21:08 → 1:21:10

when they were put in the dish”

1:21:10 → 1:21:13

So obviously the genes didn’t control it because they all have the same genes.

1:21:13 → 1:21:15

What was different was the environment.

1:21:15 → 1:21:19

And all of a sudden in my career, it’s like “Oh my gosh”

1:21:19 → 1:21:22

Here I am teaching that genes control life, and the cells are telling me

1:21:22 → 1:21:24

genes respond to life.”

1:21:24 → 1:21:28

And since you can control the response, you can control your life.

1:21:28 → 1:21:32

It’s how you read the environment, how your mind perceives the environment

1:21:32 → 1:21:35

and if you understand this then you could lead yourself

1:21:35 → 1:21:37

to the most wonderful expression on this planet,

1:21:37 → 1:21:41

to be fully alive and fully healthy, just how you respond to the world.

1:21:46 → 1:21:49

In the face of financial collapse across the world,

1:21:49 → 1:21:52

political and religious wars raging tirelessly

1:21:52 → 1:21:55

and an ever-growing feeling of being lost and void of meaning

1:21:55 → 1:21:57

there’s a great amount of energy

1:21:57 → 1:22:00

being pushed to the surface of the collective mind.

1:22:00 → 1:22:03

Evolution does not come about gradually,

1:22:03 → 1:22:05

it happens in spurts and fits

1:22:05 → 1:22:09

and comes about due to a tremendous need for the organism to survive.

1:22:11 → 1:22:14

We are now at a point in history where we will choose.

1:22:15 → 1:22:18

We will choose to become sovereign or remain dependent.

1:22:19 → 1:22:23

To face our true self, or continue fighting a ghost.

1:22:23 → 1:22:26

To become well, or allow this disease to grow.

1:22:27 → 1:22:30

To Live… or to Die.

1:22:32 → 1:22:45


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