Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Behind the "Conspiracies"

by Adrian Cooper

I receive many messages about so called "conspiracies" and asking what I think about everything from "ET's" and "UFO's" though the so called "new world order" and "incidents" such as "9/11".

First of all, as I mentioned in a recent newsletter, the very best course of action is to totally disregard all such media "reporting" and do absolutely nothing whatsoever. The more people think about and focus on these incidents, real or otherwise, the more Energy they are given and the more powerful they will become.

People have since commented on how difficult it is to simply ignore these events considering the extensive "media" reporting of them in the newspapers, on television, Internet news sites etc.

Again my advice is very simple and in my view crucial:

Never read the newspapers, and never watch or listen to media reports on television or radio or on Internet news sites.

We have absolutely no need whatsoever to read about what has already "happened", or what might "happen" in the future. We all create our own reality in the present moment of Now, and reading about what "happened" yesterday, causes those events to be impressed upon the Subconscious Mind, in turn causing them to become part of the Now, eventually manifesting in to three dimsnsional experience and therefore finally becoming self perpetuating and self-fulfilling. The more people focussing on wars, famine and terrorism for example, the more real they become.

Again, for the avoidance of any doubt - reading, watching or listening to the "news" as broadcast by the popular media, is totally counterproductive to our own individual reality, and the consensus reality of the human race. I should point out that I am not referring to genuine information in all its forms, which can often be valuable or even necessary, but rather the independant reporting of external events, much of which focusses on the negative.

It is particularly important not to discuss or worry about the specific "conspiracies" that seem to be appearing everywhere these days, again for the reasons mentioned before, and particularly in the context of the transition of the ages we are currently experiencing.

I have stated many times within these newsletters, in my book and on my website that there is one over-riding factor and one factor only that will determine the outcome of the next few years - the Mind and consciousness of humanity and indeed of all lifeon Earth and Earth herself. Collectively Earth is one single organism of which we are all a part, and therefore we all influence the consciousness and therefore manifested reality of that organism to some extent. That consensus reality is instrumental in what happens next.

Plain and simple, whatever the collective consciousness of humanity, all life and Gaia herfself predominantly expects to happen, will happen.

We have all of the choices already at our disposal ranging from catastrophic through ecstatic and everything in between as we can observe from the increasingly extreme conditions manifesting on Earth and in the solar system generally on the one hand, and the exponentially increasing Spiritual "awakening" that is currently occurring on the other. In between there are the "power and control" factions who desire neither a catastrophic or ecstatic outcome, but to rather maintain the current status quo where the vast majority of people are unwittingly being taken in by manipulation at all levels, and unless this changes can eventually be controlled as part of a single world facsist government.

The so called "war on terror" has been, and continually is being contrived towards this end, by events and manipulations including, but not limited to the now infamous "false flag" event that preceded the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and which are being used to threaten various other countries as a prelude to similar actions under the general heading "the war on terrorism" which the American, British, Israeli people as well as other counties in the world are expected to at least subscribe to if not support.

Very often when we hear politicians speaking, they often use one word as a sound byte above all others, and that word is "terror" - a word that is often very precisely and extensively woven into speeches, interviews and propaganda of all types. The people constructing these speeches know that by repeating a word often enough on TV or in any media the word is impressed upon the Subconscious Mind of the viewers or readers until it becomes an absolute reality to those people. The objective therefore is to cause as many people as possible people to become so fearful of "terror" that they will accept anything from their "benevolent" government without question, out of desperation, for protecting themselves and families against a perceived "threat" that is in reality completely contrived.

The most powerful weapon that these factions have aside from instilling fear and terror, is to continue to perpetuate the illusion of "separateness", thereby causing people to erroneously believe that they are alone, powerless and in need of "protection" from so called "acts of terror" and other fictitious events and situations. By perpetuating the illusion of separateness these factions believe that they can divide and conquer humanity.

On the other hand these factions know that if and when people awaken to the truth of their own glorious, Spiritual nature as integral and equal aspects of The Source, our Divine Creator, God, with unlimited powers and Whom nothing can possible harm, then these global power factions become powerless. Everyone will know, beyond all doubt that we all create our own reality, and can choose what thoughts we allow or disallow into our Mind and consciousness, only allowing those thoughts that are consistent with health, abundance and freedom as well as Spiritual evolution, and rejecting all thoughts that are contrary to these.

The puny physical efforts of these global power factions seeking control are totally, and utterly powerless against the one fundamental principle of the Universe correctly directed - Mind, Spiritual Awakening and Unconditional Love.

Knowing this and knowing time is short, these factions know they need to act quickly.

Our course of action then is simple:

1. Never watch read or listen to "news reports" in any media. Focus only on those things you most desire to experience.

2. Know, beyond doubts that we are infinite, immortal aspects of God and that nothing can possible harm us except our own thoughts.

3. Know that we create our own reality - no other person can create our reality for us in absolute terms.

4. Focus on service to others before service to self.

5. Embrace the most powerful force in the Universe - Unconditional Love.

In the words of a well known musician, now passed on:

When the Power of Love overcomes the love of power, the World will know Peace -- Jimi Hendrix.

These words are almost prophetic in the context of the world today and in particular during the next few crucial years as we make the transition from one great age to the next, and where humanity is choosing between an age of darkness or a glorious age of Light.

Together we can ensure that the next age is an age of Love, Light and "Kingdom of Heaven on Earth" as our legacy for our Children.


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