Sunday, July 19, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 19 July 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter, I do hope that you have enjoyed a wonderful week.

Here on this beautiful island where I currently reside with my family, we are enjoying a beautiful Summer, plenty of Sunshine, temperatures around a pleasant 17 degrees Celsius, about 63 Fahrenheit, which is very pleasant.

We only enjoy about 3 months of Summer here, so I am sure you will understand if your newsletters are somewhat shorter than usual so that I may enjoy my Sundays with my three sons while the opportunity to do so still presents itself.

I would like as always to extend a very warm welcome to all new members to this newsletter.

This newsletter has served readers and perhaps you almost every week since 2005, and will continue to serve you for as long as I am here. If ever the newsletters stop arriving for a number of weeks without word, then you can assume that I am no longer here - for whatever reason. Please keep in Mind though that it may be your email filters blocking it, so always do send me a personal email before reaching any conclusions.

Again though, rest assured, I regard your weekly newsletter as an absolute priority, as my Service to You, and that will never change. It is my intention every week to continue to bring you advanced knowledge and advice that you may never acquire from other sources, and to keep you fully informed of all significant World developments, not the least of which is of course the Great and ongoing Transition of the Ages, which, although most certainly taking place, is still shrouded in mystery.

Please then participate in any way you can. Simply sending this newsletter - either the email with the PDF download page link or the PDF itself to as many people.

There is absolutely no need to explain yourself or your own feelings on these matters, simply say in your email that you have just received this newsletter from a friend, and ask "what do you think?"

I endeavour to write all my newsletters in such a way that they are appropriate and useful as possible to an extremely wide and diverse membership through the whole world, with varying English Language abilities, varying situations, varying aspirations, varying levels of understanding and experience, and indeed varying age groups.

Writing for such a diverse membership is no simple matter, especially when considering the very nature and importance of these subjects, but I do endeavour to ensure that

even someone receiving this newsletter for the first time may find it of interest in some, even if there may have been no interest in these subjects before.

So please do offer as many people as possible an opportunity to awaken to their own Divine Nature, and provide them with the opportunity to prepare for the profound events ahead while still time.

Those who so Serve will not only fulfil this Divine Service and experience the Joy of doing so, but it will greatly help their own advancement on the Great and Divine Path of return to Our Source.

A fundamental Principle of Enlightenment and Spiritual Evolution is:

Service to Others Before Service to Self.

This Principle is held Sacred and Adhered to Always, except in the Physical World - one major reason for the present lack of advancement for most people.

If you have received this newsletter for the first time please do join us each and every week by adding your name and email address to the form on the top of every page of our website by clicking the link below:

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Speaking of my book, if you have been seeking a complete guide to life itself, then, as you will see from the reviews on Amazon, my book will provide just that.

My book has already changed the lives of countless people - I know that from emails received and the reviews - and it could easily change your life or the life of someone you Love or care about, so why not take a look to see what Our Ultimate Reality has to offer by clicking the link below:

Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and Destiny of Mankind in Paperback

In this week's newsletter:

1. Swine Flu

2. No "time" to lose

Swine Flu

With all the talk about the so called "Swine Flu" more and more people are becoming anxious about "catching it", wanting to get their "vaccinations" and so on, in the hope of avoiding possible "death".

If, by this time next year, say 10 million people contracted "swine flu" and 1 million people "died" - although of course we do not wish this to happen - then in reality probably only 10,000 of those contracted it "naturally" and 10,000 dies of "natural causes".

The other 99.9% Experienced and died swine flu as a direct result of their Mind - thoughts, feelings and expectations. There is a proverb that illustrates this truth very well indeed:

At one time, a pilgrim met the Plague going to Baghdad. "What are you going to do there?" asked the pilgrim. "I'm to slay 5,000 people," boasted the Plague, with a hideous leer


The pilgrim shuddered and changed his plans. However, sometime later he encountered a refugee from the stricken city and learned that not 5,000 but 50,000 people had died. Soon after, he met the Plague again, travelling to another city. "You lied," accused the pilgrim. "You said you were going to slay only 5,000 people."

"My friend," explained the Plague as pleasantly as he could. "I did kill only 5,000, and the rest of the 50,000 died from fright.

And this is absolutely true.

It is absolutely impossible to contract any disease, even those regarded as serious, such as cancer, without the origin being in the Mind, specifically as the out-workings of low vibration thoughts, feelings and emotions, of which fear is one of the worst, lowest vibration and therefore most damaging.

As Source Energy we all wield the Full Power of Source, God if you prefer, which of course can be positive or negative in accordance with Freewill.

Source Mind makes no judgements. We are all here on Earth to learn through Experience, even if it results in "death" - which in reality of course does not exist, being simply a transition to another state of being at a higher vibration.

So if a person is fearful, or worse fearful and believes they must contract swine flu, or if they imagine feeling unwell and fear it is due to swine flu, then so will it be - by Universal Principle.

Conversely - if you know, with all your Heart and Mind, beyond any doubt, only Perfect Health, then it is impossible to experience any other than perfect health, regardless of the external situation.

During the winter season for colds and flu, doctors, nurses and hospital staff are constantly exposed to diseases of all types and severities, but yet often they never become ill.

Why is this?

State of Mind.

These dedicated people are used to walking among people with illnesses and afflictions, and because they accept this as a fact, and see diseases simply as something to "cure" rather than fear, they do not contract the illnesses around them.

The same applies to many other groups of dedicated people such as missionaries who walk amongst those with leprosy and other highly contagious diseases, with the added belief that "God" - in whatever form they believe in God - will protect them. Their Faith and Belief thereby makes it so, even though in reality they have no idea Who or What God really is, or that they are in fact God.

I will touch upon this subject over the next few months as, no doubt, the media begin to glorify swine flu increasingly to sell their papers.

In the meantime I suggest you never read about swine flu, never talk about swine flu, in fact never even acknowledge its existence - then it cannot harm you.

All disease exists only as possibilities with the Superposition of the Quantum Waveform, and only "collapse" in to a localised, temporal disease when "observed". Observed does not mean "views through the eyes necessarily, but rather acknowledged through and as Mind - it is Mind that makes it real - or at least seem real.

No "time" to lose

Having previously taken a brief look at the true nature, or rather un-nature of "matter" we are compelled, in the interests of completeness to take a look at the nature or "un-nature" of "time" to which it is considered to be inexorably linked, often spoken of collectively as a continuum "space-time".

Now the role of "time" must be considered to be of great interest in that the very nature of "time" is, according to contemporary thinking intimately linked with the three dimensions of "space" and therefore of "matter" itself - one cannot exist without the other according to science.

For the last few hundred years at least, humans have attempted attempt to reduce the concept of "time" to an objective experience by arbitrarily introducing methods of "time" measurement based upon the relationships between the Earth, the Moon and the Sun.

The "history" of "time measurement" can actually be traced back thousands of years whereby the passage of time, as well as larger units of "time" such as the "seasons" by measuring the relative position of the Sun to fixed positions on Earth.

One of the simplest devices to measure the "passage of time" - actually to measure the passage of the Sun across the sky - is the "sundial".

Many ancient civilisations developed much more complex stone built structures, not only to measure the passage of time at a micro level - minutes, hours, days etc, but also at increasing levels on a macro scale - months, seasons and so on through the construction of large stone circles, positioned in accordance with Sun, Moon, Stars and other cosmic entities. Stonehenge is such an structure as are many of the pyramids of Mesoamerica such as those of the Inca, Aztecs, Toltec's and many others.

In fact it is now thought that Stonehenge was constructed after the last major geophysical pole shift on Earth, which caused all the seasons to change. The people of the time relied on crops to survive and needed to know when to sow, when to harvest etc, which was difficult after all the seasons changed.

There has, over the course of the last 5000 years or so, been many ancient civilisations - some known, some not yet known - who have made use of stone structures of varying levels of complexity, which typically include observation points of even full observatories, enabling them to not only measure cycles of "time" as experienced n Earth, but also cosmic cycles, some of which have the potential to influence Earth in various ways.

All "cycles" are fundamentally Energy structures, which have the potential - the Quantum Potential - to exert an energetic influence over Earth and all life on Earth in some way.

Setting aside the "lost civilisations", the attainments of which, in the absence of any tangible evidence so far remain only matter of speculation and as such cannot be included, by far the greatest known civilisation relating to the measurement of cosmic cycles ranging from the micro to macro levels are the Classic or Ancient Maya civilisation of Central America of 2000 or so years ago.

This is the very same civilisation which is most infamously associated with the 21 December 2012 date representing "the end of the Mayan Calendar".

In the interests of completeness we should note that this iconic date - 21 December 2012 - does not represent the "end of the Mayan Calendar" or the "end" of anything else, and neither is it "the" Mayan Calendar.

The "calendar" in question is in fact the Mayan "Long Count Calendar", which is only one in a whole series of calendars, or more specifically "calendrical systems", measures a cycle of around, but not precisely 25,800 years, based upon the relationship between Earth, and therefore Sun and Solar system, with the centre of our Galaxy.

This is not simply some academic exercise on the part of the Mayan civilisation - the true nature and history of which extends far beyond that which most people realise from the archaeological remains and records to the extent they were not destroyed by the church, but rather a very serious measurement of a cycle of Energy which has the potential, and always is, highly transformative.

The Classic Maya were the most brilliant and advanced cosmologists that ever lived. They predicted cosmological events at levels ranging from Earth time, solar system, and galactic with such extreme accuracy that is not even possible today with the benefit of all the most advanced scientific "equipment" in the world.

Yes the Classic Maya did not even have "metal". Everything they achieved they did so using stone to build the structures forming the basis of their sciences.

Getting back to the central subject of "time", the Maya did not share the obsession of "modern" humans with "time keeping". Mayan chronology was the measurement and prediction of cycles of Energy that had the inherent potential to influence them in some way, either immediately or at some point in the future, as, for example, 21 December 2012.

Of course, although the Mayan Civilisation is alive and well, the Maya responsible for these great calendrical systems would never survive to see the outcome of "2012", and they knew they wouldn't. They knew, from the measurement of a cycle of Energy, that their own epoch would end long "before" that iconic date, but their legacy would live on.

The Classic Maya never, ever made "prophecies", only "scientific predictions" with more precision than "modern" scientific instruments are capable of - 21 December 2012 is a pivotal and iconic example.

In "modern" times the infatuation of people with "time", which is in reality is no more than a "concept", has wrought all manner of confusion and misery upon humanity, equalled only by the illusion of "separation".

If "time" is so important to humanity, to the point where most people "live their lives" by it, surely it would be helpful to know what "time" is - or is not.

The basis of "time" as subscribed to by most humans is a construct arbitrarily derived from the relationship of a "place" on planet Earth in relation to the observed positions of Sun and Moon.

But is this treatment of "time" realistic?

Is "time" really a mechanical, fixed process?

Most importantly, is "time" even a constant as most clock watchers would imagine?

This is a crucial question, because if we accept the fact that there are only one "set" of immutable Universal Principles regulating All That Is, then for "time" to be Principle it must also be a constant, which t follows exerts the same influence irrespective of where it is experienced, observed or measured.

Consider this scenario then.

If you were to place yourself in a room without any windows, clocks or other mechanical devices or means of measuring traditional time, with a fixed level of ambient lighting, what then very quickly happens to your perception of "time"?

Very quickly you have no idea what "minute" or "hour" it was.

Very soon you would lose track of what "day" it was followed by loss of orientation with the concept of "weeks" or "months", and eventually even years if you were enclosed long enough.

You could take a guess of course, but you would invariably be wrong due to lack of reference points for the five physical senses. As your isolation progresses, any best guesses" about measured "time", "date", "year" would become increasingly flawed to the point of becoming completely meaningless.

This proves that once we remove all human mechanical reference points, "time" itself immediately becomes totally meaningless.

I would go as far as to suggest that even if the best scientists in the world were placed in the enclosed room, of fixed ambient characteristics, with access to any scientific instruments of their choosing, except for computers, clocks and other means of

measuring "time", then these scientists would not be able to objectively define or quantify time as a constant or Principle or even as having any basis in fact.

Neurotransmitters in the brain that regulate sleep and waking cycles - melatonin, serotonin for example - would reset, resulting in a loss of all orientation with the previous concept of "time".

Without a reference to "time" some may become disoriented or even distressed, and perhaps, in some cases ultimately psychotic.

Let us consider the human concept of "time" in its proper perspective.

Again, "time" is a purely human construct, for the purposes of convenience, that makes use of arbitrary reference points in the sky - notable Sun and Moon taken together with the rotation of the Earth.

Now how then would "time" look if, instead of living on Earth we lived on say Jupiter instead, assuming, for the purposes of this illustration, that Jupiter could support human life.

Jupiter is many times the size and mass of Earth, with a completely different speed of rotation, distance from the Sun, has numerous "moons" in orbit and so on.

How would your clocks and calendars, if constructed in the same way as those on Earth, appear then?

Well clearly they would be unrecognisable different.

Due to the speed of rotation of Jupiter vis a vis Earth, a "day" on Earth which is considered to be 24 "hours" in duration, would, notwithstanding the much greater circumference of Jupiter, is only 9.9 hours.

But sure an "hour" is, in and of itself, a construct of Earth humans, so who is to say that an Earth Gregorian hour is more of a "standard" than a Jovian hour?

But what about a "year" on Jupiter.

Well Jupiter takes the equivalent of nearly 12 Earth years to orbit the Sun, so one Jupiter year is equal to 12 Earth years.

But again - that observation is based on the presumption that the "Earth" year is the basis of the definition of a "year".

It should be readily apparent then that the measurement of "time" on Earth is completely different to the measurement of "time" on Jupiter, and accordingly clocks and calendars designed for one, would be completely almost completely useless for the other.

So then is "time" correct on Earth?

Or is "time" correct on Jupiter?

Or none of the above?

Well clearly it is none of the above.

"Time", as measured mechanically, can never be "correct", in other words as a constant, a because no matter where in the physical Universe it is measured in accordance with human constructs and methods of measurement, it will always be different to greater or lesser degrees.

So now we must consider the "experience" of "time" - which is all there is to the extent that "time" has any basis in fact at all.

We have already discussed how being isolated in an enclosed, constant environment influences the experience of "time, but how about other influences based upon experience itself?

What happens to your perception of "time" if you are really enjoying yourself, engaged in an activity you are really passionate about and totally immersed in?

Time is said to "fly by".

You wish it would never end.

Conversely, if you are engaged in a really mundane or boring activity, or something you dislike doing and wish you were not doing, parallel with the person who was enjoying themselves, what happens to your experience of "time" then?

It seems to "drag on forever", and the end of it cannot come soon enough.

Yet if both looked at a clock, before and after their respective experiences, they would see that the hands of the clock had moved by exactly the same amount.

The reason humans feel "tired" at "night" and "awake" during the day, is not due to the relative positions of the hands on your clock, but rather because Conscious sphere of Mind activity has convinced Subconscious sphere of Mind activity that "time" is in fact "real", and henceforth shall be "measured in a certain way", based upon the observation of clocks of various types, and with reference to photons of Energy entering the eyes as "light", or absence of photons as a lack of "light" through which Subconscious Mind will regulate brain activity.

Subconsciousness reproduces those expectations by programming the biorhythms of the organic body through the manipulation of amino acids, neurotransmitters in the brain

such as melatonin, serotonin and dopamine, which in turn provides the conscious experience of "wakefulness", "sleepiness" and mental alertness.

So clearly, the only possible conclusion is that the very nature of time is always inexorably connected to:

1. The way "time" is experienced in accordance with the perceived nature of the current situation - e.g. enjoyable, boring, tortuous etc.

2. The way you have programmed your Subconscious Mind to process the experience of time using many different fixed and experiential reference points. e.g. You may always find work "tedious" and therefore "5:00 pm" or "the weekend" cannot come fast enough".

3. The way time is measured using arbitrary reference points.

Since experience itself varies infinitely not only within the context of one person, but all people, then "time" cannot possibly be "fixed" or quantifiable in any way, because there can never be a single point of reference.

"Time" therefore is a qualitative not a quantitative experience.

If we then look at "time" dispassionately, we can clearly see that:

Time cannot be a constant.

Time can never be objective.

Time cannot be, and is not Principle.

In short, "time" is exclusively a subjective experience.

So what are the further ramifications on this relative to your previous concept of "time".

If "time" and "space" really are connected, and "time" is subjective, then "space", matter, "things" must be also subjective.

So you must never concern yourself with being "delayed" because, in truth, looked at dispassionately, there is really "no time to lose".

But again, as with matter, and "space-time" in and of itself does not even exist in anything other than a transient form under the influence of an observer - actually Mind.

The entire physical Universe is simple Energy Waveforms collapsed into the transient, illusory, temporality and locality in the context of a particle based environment.

If "space-time" does not exist, the physical Newtonian Universe does not exist, "time" cannot exist by itself and neither can space.

Mainstream science therefore has absolutely no basis in fact.

The Only Fact is Mind Principle to which we are all inexorably and eternally connected.

As discussed before, and as we will discuss in more depth later, the illusion of "space-time" is Native Universal Energy "collapsed" from Waveform to particles in a transient, temporal, localised state, and is accordingly therefore not "real".

Only Energy in Waveform is Native and Real, Energy in the form of particles is transiently, locally and temporally collapsed and is therefore unreal - nothing that is unreal can possibly be true or have any basis in fact except in the Mind of the observer.

As Werner Heisenberg said - "Atoms are not things, they are only tendencies".

And of course he was and is absolutely correct.

As "space" and "time" and therefore "matter" do not have any objective or fundamental basis in fact, there can be no "laws" or "rules" or equations that regulate matter, time or space.

So when you next feeling yourself "pushed for time", or wishing time would "never end" or "fly by", always take stop for a moment and realise the truth:

There is no time to lose.

Until next newsletter, have a wonderful "week".

In Love and Light,


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