Friday, July 17, 2009

OS:George Soukup V-Track Rotary Magnet Motor

George Soukup Nachbauer claims to have come up with a working all-magnet motor (Magnetmotorenbauer) of the "V-gate" variety, for which he has filed for a patent, after which he will make it accessible. He presents what he calls the V-Track Rotary Magnet Motor. It appears to embody the V-track magnet acceleration model into rotating motion.

"[The motor] accelerated up to destruction, therefore the rotor must be built better. But the size which it is did not create a problem. Only if I did the same with larger magnets would it becomes a problem. But this is accessible at the moment only for the German patent office. During disclosure it will become visible for everyone. I plan also its own web page. I have German investors already." -- Soukup (Response to Sterling D. Allan; June 15, 2009; slightly edited)

Once engineered for production, the promise of an all-magnet motor is that it would present a clean, reliable, portable, and hopefully affordable energy source that could make electric motors and fuel-powered generators obsolete.

Read more here...

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