Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The "global warming" Myth

by Adrian Cooper

I receive many messages on the subject of "global warming". I assume that this is due to the fact that hardly a week, or often a day goes by without some extreme weather condition, most recently severe flooding in many parts of the world.

Yesterday it even snowed and settled in Baghdad which is unprecedented. All the residents left there homes in wonder to marvel at this amazing spectacle.

I think it is fair to say that wherever you live you will have experienced extraordinary weather conditions over the last few months, and most probably increasingly so.

The official position on the part of the major government of the world is that "global warming" or "climate change" due to "carbon emissions", "fossil fuels" etc is the cause.

In fact this is a complete and utter myth whether the major governments of the World believe it or not. There is not one serious scientist involved in these areas that believes this official line with regards to global warming.

In fact the term "global warming" is very misleading in and of itself, because what we are seeing goes far beyond simply warming - we are rather seeing rapidly altering weather patterns of increasing extremity.

Here is a typical quote from a scientist who knows the truth:

"It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create in [sic] allusion of rapid global warming." -- John Coleman, Founder of Weather Channel

From my own extensive research I would definitely agree with this view, although this is only part of the entire equation.

There are then two major aspects to the "climate change" issue:

1. What is the real meaning and cause behind it?
2. What is the real agenda of the World governments?

In future newsletters we will look much more closely at these issues, but for now I will summarise as follows:

1. What we are really experiencing are immutable, natural cycles of Energy and weather patterns that have occurred throughout history.

Scientists have proved this conclusively by drilling deep core samples, in other words by sinking very long, narrow tubes deep into the ground at Antarctica, lake beds and other suitable undisturbed areas al around the planet.

The deeper samples contain an abundance of evidence that enables scientists to determine the weather conditions prevailing at any particular juncture in Earths history, at least for tens of thousands of years.

The results conclusively prove the fact that climate changes occur with immutable frequency with cold spells, or "ice ages" and warm spells, both of which accelerate as they reach a peak.

Earth is currently reaching such a natural weather cycle peak.

In addition however we have the "2012 effect" which, as we know from previous newsletters, is ultimately due to the influence of great galactic Energy cycles originating from Galactic Centre, and are reaching a peak of causality over the next few years.

Many people have heard of the "Great Flood" of biblical times. I have been conducting considerable research into the Great Flood as the only recorded global cataclysmic event, and have so far found independant references to the Great Flood in 28 different cultures of the time throughout the planet - cultures that had no connection with each other. This event seems to have destroyed perhaps 80% of life, including human life at the time - perhaps much more.

Thus we can conclude with reasonable certainty that this event did indeed take place, and almost certainly coincided with a Galactic Energy Cycle and transition of great or lesser age, this time manifesting as a great flood, but in other such transitions or transitional quarters manifesting as other catastrophic events. The end of the age of the dinosaurs as well as previous and post extinction events almost certainly coincided with these Galactic transitional Energy cycles.

However, this time there is a third influence - the Sun. During 2012 the sun will achieve a maximum period of activity, greater than anything ever witnessed and recorded in human history, likely resulting in massive Energy emissions known as "coronal mass ejections" and solar flares, probably of the highest magnitude "X Class" type, which could approach or even hit Earth directly.

So we can conclude, with reasonable certainty, that the next few years will be pivotal for humanity in terms of "climate change" alone, notwithstanding the numerous other "2012" factors that I have written about previously as we inexorable progress together throughthe transition of this great age and into the next.

Again though, and this is crucially important - the final outcome of these events or more specifically our experience of these events, at both an collective and individual level, will be determined by just one factor - human consciousness. Plain and simple - whatever humanity expects to happen over the next few years will happen. It is for this reason I am keeping you fully updated in this newsletter with the facts and only the facts.

2. The major governments of the world are turning "climate change" into yet another cabal like the drugs industry, banking industry, and more. A cabal generally seeks to take the money off consumers while the consumer feels grateful for it at the same time.

In this case you will see increasingly more "eco friendly" products sold on the basis that if you buy them you will be "helping climate change". You have probably seen advertising like this already - expect much more. These businesses will endeavour to cause people to purchase their "eco friendly" products in the context of "saving the world from the effect of climate change" while feeling good about it.

This has been a basic overview of a much larger and very important subject. In future newsletters we will look at these factors as well as 2012 related factors in much more detail.

In the meantime it is extremely important to keep this, very real and experienced aspect of the transition of the ages that we are all experiencing together in perspective.

We cannot escape the apparent reality of the ever increasing extremes of weather conditions, but as we know, "thoughts are things", and the more people focus on these situations, the more they will manifest into our experience.

We must also understand that we no longer live in a democracy, we live in a mediocracy where the power of the popular press, in turned owned and controlled by those on the the path of darkness, seeks to control the Mind of the populous at every level in order to prevail over the next few years.

My advice to you is to never read, watch or listen to the so called "news". Much of the time it is not "news" at all, it is Mind control plain and simple.

Similarly I advise that you pay no heed to advertising that promotes products in the context of doing your part to combat "climate change".

That said, and this is most important notwithstanding the above, absolutely anything and everything we can do to help the planet, the environment and each other we must of course do first and foremost, but, most importantly, for all the right reasons. For example, changing to a powder that washes your clothes at 30 degrees instead of 40 degrees will not help, but being diligent with what chemicals you use around the house most certainly will help the environment generally. Also, and most importantly, endeavour to transition to a natural, harvestable whole food diet and away from animal based products which are, in any case, toxic to human physiology and can reduce life expectancy by 7 to 15 years as well as causing chronic, debilitating diseases.

Finally, above all please keep in Mind that as humans we have but one task to perform over the next few years, and that is to be prepared Spiritually, Mentally and Consciously for what is to come over the next few years - a main reason I was inspired to write my book Our Ultimate Reality. Every Human Beings has a choice, just as with the transition of other great cycles or ages.


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