Tuesday, July 7, 2009

2012 and the Cycles of Life

by Adrian Cooper

As the days, weeks and months roll by I know from the messages I receive that more and more people are becoming aware of the changes occurring at all levels, wishing to know why. Others are anxious about "2012" and what it will mean for themselves and their families.

These changes are manifesting in terms of awareness, consciousness and in the outer physical world where dramatic changes, the details for many of which have been withheld from people generally are taking place. Who could fail to notice these changes with the worlds glaciers melting at a dramatic rate, mass extinctions, and unusual behaviour in the animal kingdom who are highly tuned to change unlike humans who have a predominantly material focus.

It is important to understand however that what we are experiencing is not the end of the world in terms of life but the end of a great age, a great cycle of Energy.

Everything in creation moves in cycles, some of which are vast, and others which occur of much shorter, sometimes imperceptible frequencies, some of which are obvious, others which are not.

For thousands of years our ancient ancestors, free from the material focus of "modern civilisation" were tuned in to these cycles, and by observing the cosmos and many other natural factors were able to chart these peaks and troughs as well as the manifestations associated with them.

Many of these were deeply encoded as for example in the I-Ching, the Chinese "Book of Changes" which rather than being for mantic purposes was in fact measuring Energy and cycles at all levels, including forecasting the forthcoming events of 2012.

The Maya, in their now famous Long Count Calendar which also transitions to a new cycle on 21 December 2012, measured and predicted these great events.

According to my current research I believe it is very possible that the person known in Greek as Jesus came here 2000 years ago to prepare mankind for these events, by teaching the teachers who would teach other teachers and so on until finally, by now, everyone should have been prepared:

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was thrown into the sea and caught fish of every kind; when it was full, they drew it ashore, sat down, and put the good into baskets but threw out the bad. So it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come out and separate the evil from the righteous and throw them into the furnace of fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

'Have you understood all this?' They answered, 'Yes.' And he said to them, 'Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like the master of a household who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.'" -- Matthew 13:47-52.

Here Jesus is saying that the end of an age is coming at which point there will be a "dragnet" which will harvest those who are ready, and only those who are ready will "be saved" and transition to the Kingdom of Heaven", while everyone else will be cast back in to the "furnace of fire".

Alas, as in the entire bible, the true meaning of these words were lost when men, who were not ready to understand, and also sought control for their own purposes, interpreted these ancient words in theological terms, thus setting mankind on a course that was never intended, and the true meaning was lost until now.

Much of the original meaning was lost, either by accident or design, when it was translated from the original ancient Greek, to Latin and later other languages as well as being creatively interpreted by orthodox religion in such a way as to create conditions for control over people through fear and guilt.

The "furnace" referred to is not some notional fiery existence "down below" as the guest of "the devil", but rather the furnace of initiation, Spiritual progression, where our Spirit is refined as we progress to the higher levels of vibration of the inner worlds of reality, worlds of glory and splendour far beyond the comprehension of carnate humans, a place that may be conceived as "heaven".

This is also the true meaning of alchemy, the transmutation of base human characteristics symbolised by the heaviness of lead, to the Gold of the refined, higher vibration Spirit.

The biblical account of turning "water in to wine" means the same.

So 21 December 2012 represents the turning point in just such a cycle where humans and indeed all life have the potential to take the next evolutionary leap, leaving the "furnace" of Earth well behind.

The word to emphasise however is "potential". When the time comes only those who have realised that potential will be "harvested" and move on to the next phase of evolution; this is why great teachers allowed two thousand or more years for this process to take place.

"Harvested" is of course a metaphor for Spiritual evolution based upon consciousness and therefore vibration.

What we are experiencing now is the end game where a culmination of numerous factors that can influence humans, all life and Earth herself is taking place, the results of which, will be determined by one factor only; consciousness at all levels.

There will be no "chosen" ones; each person has the opportunity to determine their own destiny, the only choice being whether to accept it or not, and if so to consciously pursue that destiny.

There has never been a better time to be human on Earth, but opportunities on this scale only coincide with these massive cycles of Energy, so everyone should be at least aware of this that they may shape their own immediate destiny, whether they will be caught in the "dragnet" or be weeping and "gnashing teeth" out of frustration of a missed opportunity this time around.

It has taken millions of years to reach this stage, and we are living on Earth at the time of the birth of a new type of human; Homo Spiritus".

Again though, individual and collective consciousness is crucial to the outcome for humans collectively, whether it be catastrophe or Ecstasy; the potential instruments of both are amassing now.

At the peak or troughs of previous cycles there has been cataclysm such as the great flood, the destructions of Atlantis and Lemuria and many others that we are not aware of.

There have also been ages of great, abundance, happiness and progress akin to "kingdoms of Heaven on Earth".

The Hindu tradition tracks these ages of darkness and light by means of their "Yugas".

The Satya Yuga is a Yuga of a golden age where people experience true Spiritual nature with the high vibration that brings, resulting in a Utopian existence of joy, health and connection with our Source.

Then comes the Treya Yuga and the Dvapara Yuga and finally the Kali Yuga, the trough of existence where humans focus almost entirely on the physical aspect of existence, where materialism and survival rules, and power is the driving force and the craving of many.

So what does all this mean in practical terms?

It means quite simply that we are nearing the end of an age, the turning point of a great cycle of Energy, and an opportunity to determine what happens next at both a collective and individual level.

Each and every person therefore should seize this opportunity for progression to the step on the path back to our Creator and therefore perfection.

Some people ask whether the Astral worlds are "heaven". The fact is they might seem like heaven to those living there, but they only have life on Earth, after which the Astral is fashioned by the Minds of humans, as a benchmark.

The lower to mid levels of the Astral are therefore a reflection of the current age of desire and materialism, and is therefore transient in conjunction with and part of these great Energy cycles.

When life on Earth changes so too will the Astral worlds, until one day the Astral worlds will simply dissipate back into its original substance, no longer required to support human desires.

I wrote Our Ultimate Reality in readiness for these momentous events, showing you the way forward in the coming years:


Of course I will be discussing these subjects from time to time within this newsletter.

I would like to conclude with these important points:

1. We do not know at this stage, and will probably never know until the time comes, whether 21 December 2012 will bring a sudden climatic event or whether it will simply mark a turning point.

2. We must be prepared for a climatic event otherwise complacency will cause most people not to be ready for what happens next.

3. Such preparation is of the Mind not in physical terms. If everyone prepares themselves mentally and in terms of consciousness for a great event at all levels, then that is what the outcome will be; there is nothing to fear; the Universe flows only in the direction of evolution, expansion and well-being, and we must flow in the same direction in order to be aligned with The Source and prepared for what happens next.


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