Sunday, July 12, 2009

Our Ultimate Reality Newsletter 12 July 2009

by Adrian Cooper

Welcome to your newsletter. I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful week.

Even though the weather has been cooler here this last week, we have still enjoyed plenty of sunshine which myself and my three sons have been making the most of.

A few days ago we went for a walk in the countryside among fields of wild Orchids - six different species - hundreds of thousands of them, with many other glories gifted to us my Source, Mind. The more we appreciate these gifts, the more we experience them.

Conversely, those who seek to hurt or damage nature in anyway, failing to see the beauty and feel and know the Oneness, will be the poorer for it, both while here on Earth and beyond. Gifts of the Divine are to be enjoyed, appreciated and assimilated as part of our very being, flora or fauna, and never harmed or exploited in any way.

Every Orchid, in all its beauty, is Spirit and Mind, an Expression of Source Mind and aspect of Universal Mind of which we are Equal Aspects. As humans love to be appreciated so too does the Orchid and all other forms of Life in the Universe. If you wish to be appreciated for what you are, then appreciate all Life, knowing, beyond doubt, it is You.

I would like to welcome all new members to this newsletter as always. There have been a large number of you joining us during this last week and you are all most welcome. I do hope you enjoy this newsletter which is published every Sunday out of Love and Service during these crucial, transitional times.

Many of you have arrived after being sent last week's newsletter by someone who truly loves and cares about you.

If you have received this newsletter for the first time, please do join us by entering your details in the form at the top of each page of our site, and please do in turn share this newsletter with as many others as possible. It could well make all the difference.

For a more complete picture on the nature of Life, the Universe and your own ultimate meaning and destiny, by bestselling book, Our Ultimate Reality has already helped numerous people as you will see by the independent reviews on the Amazon site:

In this week's Newsletter:

1. Messages of thanks

2. Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons

3. The Science of Money

Messages of Thanks

Every day I fell most honoured and humbled to receive messages of thanks from people all over the world, who have read my newsletters, websites, books, or who I have been blessed to help in some way.

I do respond to as many of these as possible, but some days, when I have a particularly large message load, I cannot respond to each and every one - much though I would love to.

This week therefore I would like to assure you that I read every word of every single email sent to me, and every single email is equally welcome and appreciated.

I would therefore just like to extend my great thanks to all those taking the time to send me a message, and to say that every single message is greatly valued. I Love you All.

Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons

Since your newsletter member opportunity for Science of Being in Twenty Seven concluded a couple of weeks ago, I have received numerous messages from newsletter members telling me that they were on vacation or otherwise away from their PC for some reason, asking, almost pleading in many cases to make the opportunity available to them once again.

Of course I fully understand the reasons for missing the original opportunity and the desire to acquire this truly phenomenal book, which stands alone as the greatest book on self-empowerment ever written, and the response to which has been exceptional.

I have decided therefore to make Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons available for three days, simply so that all those who missed out last time may benefit. This opportunity will end at midnight PST, Wednesday 15 July.

The Science of Money

From the message I receive many people still regard "money" as their route to freedom.

Well as we have discussed at length previously, "money" is a human construct designed primarily as an instrument of control.


Well in general terms the perception is that people must "work" to "earn" the "money" hat they "need" for their daily needs and those of their family, and for rest and relaxation as well as all those other life "luxuries".

This of course is the very basis of that control.

Money forces people in to a system whereby they are told they must go to school, get good enough grades to go to university, get a degree and then get a good "job" to work in for the next 50 years before "retiring" on a "pension", soon to lose interest, become "old" and die.

In reality the controllers of the human system ensure that "workers" receive just enough "pay" to feed and clothe themselves and family, be granted two days per week and three weeks "vacation" or "holidays" for rest, in order to remain healthy and motivated enough to keep working for the controllers.

This has become accepted to such an extent, that generations of families perceive it as "normal" in some way.

In fact the whole "work" system strips people of their True Divine Powers.

We are Source Mind with All of the Powers of Source Mind - God if you prefer.

Source Energy and with it Infinite Potential flows through us All.

We can Experience, and have the fundamental Divine right to Experience anything we can possibly Imagine, without ever having to rely on some external structure or system.

Most still abrogate their Divinity and Divine Powers to the controlling forces.

If you are interested in reading about these truths further, my book, Our Ultimate Reality discussed "The Human Paradox" and the "Truth about Money" in great detail:

One of the great paradoxes that many humans face is the inability to separate "money" from "success", "wealth" and indeed "experience" itself, believing that the only route to happiness is by acquiring the money to purchase it.

In reality, as Source Mind, we can Express in to Experience absolutely anything it is possible to Imagine, instantly - but few people have the necessary Faith and Inner Connection and Oneness with Source Mind to achieve that at this stage in their evolution.

So the question arises, if the Faith necessary to Experience material "things" can only be gained in the context of "money", is it possible to make use of our Infinite Powers to actually Express the "money" in to our Experience to "purchase" our wishes, needs and desires?

Well this is a good question, because many people find it much easier to relate to the concept of "purchasing" something with "money", which is "tangible", rather than expressing it directly without having to "pay" for it.

I have always stated that we should focus on using our Divine Powers of Expression through Source Mind to Express any Experience of our choosing directly, rather than focusing on Expressing, or more erroneously "attracting" money which really does not exist, except as bits and bytes on computer networks. Only 4% of all money in circulation actually has a tangible equivalent in coins or notes, and only a fraction of that has any tangible value supported with real assets such as Gold.

That said, yes of course we Express money in to our Experience if we so wish.

So how do we approach this question?

This is actually addressed in depth by The Baron Eugene Fersen in Science of Being in Twenty Seven Lessons, Chapter 16, which he commences as follows:

"THE reason why most people find it so difficult to make Money is because they do not know what Money really is. They perceive it as an Effect only, something outside themselves which holds the equivalent of any specific wealth or advantage they may desire. In its terms are condensed the differing values of all things; therefore the obvious way to obtain possession of any particular thing is to acquire first the sum of Money which represents its value. But while the relation between Money and what it will do is very clear to everyone, that is after all a very superficial aspect of something deeply beyond Money itselfof Power.

Money is actually coined Power, a materialized Force. It is the expression in substance of a strength which has its origin in the individual. To spend Money means to trade the crystallized efforts of human beings for an object worth that amount of work. To earn Money means to exert through your own inner qualities a measure of power which commands a corresponding recognition in the material World. To fail to accumulate

Money is to allow those qualities to lie idle and unused except to the extent of bare necessity.

The individual, therefore, is like a mill across a river The stream of Universal Life Force is the Source of its own energy and activity, the motivating power which makes him function. In proportion as he scoops that driving Energy from the passing current, transmits it along the various rods and pistons of his nervous mechanism, and stamps it finally through his distinctive qualities into the raw stuff of the Material or Mental Worlds, he will contribute to the Pool of all Wealth an added quota whose value must be returned to him in the impersonal form of Money. Yet unless he does really make such a contribution first, no amount of ulterior scheming or activity will avail to bring him the cash reward he covets.

This is why the majority of those who make the acquisition of Money the main object of their lives usually fall far short of their aim, while others to whom Money is of only secondary importance beside some other dominant interest often reap its richest rewards with no apparent effort in that direction at all. The former see only Money, and are blind to the Mint within themselves by whose operation they can obtain it; the latter are exclusively concerned with operating their Mint without any perception of what it produces. Neither have quite enough vision to link the Cause with the Effect and discern the infallible Natural Law which through their business of living is transacted.

That Law, which governs all the exchanges whose sum makes up the existence of the individual, is variously known as the Law of Exchange, the Law of Supply and Demand, or the Law of Compensation. It determines that whatever an individual gives to the World of constructive personal effort, no matter in what department of life, the World must return its value to him in the aspect of that wholly impersonal Power called Money. In other words, the individual stands midway between the vast Undifferentiated Tide of Universal Life Energy and Its Manifestations as Material Wealth. He is the channel through which It passes from one condition into the other, and in the ratio that he contacts It and thrusts It into expression through his activities, Its equivalent in cash is returned to him".

So what is Baron Eugene Fersen saying here?

Well first and foremost money is Energy - it flows and must be allowed to flow.

Many people block the flow of money with a "lack" state of Mind. They are afraid to spend money on anything but the basics in case they do not "have enough" in future.

Other people are simply "miserly", not spending money so they can hang on to it.

If you allow money to flow out of your life - not frivolously, but on things that you either genuinely need or make you happy, then money must flow in to your life in the same degree. The more you spend joyously, the more you will receive.

Baron Eugene Fersen also makes the point that those obsessed with making money will inevitably meet with little success, while those that focus on what really matters, in particular service to others before service to self, will find that money flows to them effortlessly.

Another important aspect of money flow is giving and receiving.

The simply but profound act of giving not only implies service to others, but also implies Abundance, thus allowing even more money to flow in the direction of the giving.

Baron Eugene Fersen sums this up superbly by stating:

" In other words, the individual stands midway between the vast Undifferentiated Tide of Universal Life Energy and Its Manifestations as Material Wealth. He is the channel through which It passes from one condition into the other, and in the ratio that he contacts It and thrusts It into expression through his activities, Its equivalent in cash is returned to him".

He goes on to say:

"Eventually Money always seeks its own level, in spite of the artificial barriers erected by human Society to restrain it. To make Money is one thing, to keep it is another. When the capacity of an individual to employ constructively decreases, the amount he is able to command decreases accordingly. Misuse of Money through applying it in a destructive and wasteful manner, as previously described, does decrease that capacity by closing up the channels in the individual. The result is that the volume of its flow shrinks to accommodate itself to the narrower channel, leaving the individual much worse off than he was before. On the other hand, those who are constantly enlarging their capacity to handle Money properly get the benefit of what others lose.

Unfortunately, very few human beings know how to use Money properly, especially if it has come to them through no special effort or merit of their own. The cynical observation that it is "three generations from shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves" is founded in fact, not because the son of a rich man is necessarily less endowed with the natural ability to handle Money, but because he has never been obliged to exert his own qualities in payment for it. Consequently his capacity to handle it is not developed; he is blind to its value because he cannot see its constructive uses through himself; and like a leaky faucet not worth the trouble to repair he lets it spurt in wasteful extravagance through every vent but the right one, meanwhile justifying his folly with the selfish contention that the Money he flings away is his own.

But he is wrong. Nobody really OWNS MONEY, although it sometimes seems to be a personal possession. Individuals are simply trustees appointed to look after its proper use and distribution. Their term of office commences with their first responsibility and expires with their last, and the trusts bestowed upon them are in proportion to the worth they prove. If they fulfil their duties intelligently and honestly, a greater Power is placed

at their disposal. If on the contrary they are vain and foolish, and fail to measure up to the demands of their position, they are doomed some day to see their authority drain away like an ebbing tide, leaving them stranded on the bleak shore of Poverty. This applies not only to the spend-thrift, but to his counterpart, the miser, as well.

Since Money comprehends all the Wealth of the Two Worlds of Mind and Matter, it is the golden key at whose touch every door within those precincts flies quickly open. Therefore many of timid vision are dazzled by it and worship it as the Supreme Power on whose altar they are willing to sacrifice their dearest possessions, even their own Souls. Such an attitude is utterly wrong.

Money can never be the Supreme Power, because there is one door which it can never unlockthe Door of Love. The clean and perfect part of our triune nature, where our higher spiritual qualities are enthroned, is beyond its reach once and forever. Those who abandon their true allegiance and place Money in its stead bow their heads to false gods and invite their own destruction, because they put in the place of mastery that which is meant to be a servant to them.

The rightful place of Money is the seat of honour at the foot of the Throne, not the Seat of Authority on it. Money is a secondary Power, which will serve you as nothing else so long as you direct and guide it to the satisfaction of your needs or ambitions. But the moment you give the sceptre into its hand, you submit your neck to a yoke of slavery that will grind you mercilessly into the dust, because you will have deprived your higher qualities of the control which they alone can exercise.

Just as vermin breed in the dark, so will all negative emotions breed when you close the Door of Love through which your higher nature should pour its cleansing light. To despise Money, or to envy it in others, will never bring it to yourself. Contempt and envy are simply different forms of hatred. Hatred repels and destroys. Therefore to hate anything is to build a wall of consuming fire between it and yourself. You cripple your own ability to obtain it, because it withers at your touch. So, if you want to have Money, you must learn first how to appreciate it, how to love and value it, not as a god or master, but as a faithful servant always obedient to your control.

A proper development of Money Consciousness throughout all Mankind would make utterly impossible the tremendous contrasts between Wealth and Poverty so prevalent today. The ideal of an equal distribution of riches, which some extremists urge should be imposed forcibly upon people wholly undeserving of it, would then emerge naturally, because through a more even development of the Money Consciousness of everyone the discrepancies between their capacities to handle Money would be wiped away. Reforms start from within, not from without. The only way to get two quarts of water at once into a one-quart measure is to reform the measure first".

Here Baron Eugene Fersen is stating the truth that ultimately money is not an entity, or an authority in any way, but rather a state of consciousness that should be thought of in that context and in the right way - as Energy that flows - not a source of obsession.

Towards the end of this chapter Baron Eugene Fersen reminds once again:

You must remember that Money is a living Force, and that having been brought to a climax it cannot be held there indefinitely without stagnating. If it is not kept healthy by a constructive and refreshing flow, it will most certainly dissipate itself in an unhealthy and destructive riot of self-consuming negative action. Movement forward is Life, and Life is the only - assurance against the decay of Death. Consequently your task is to keep the Money over which you have control in constant circulation, so that it does not pile up behind the dam of your neglect and turn your healthy Money Consciousness into a poisonous morass. You must regulate its outpour to its inflow.

Each chapter of Science of Being in Twenty Seven concludes with powerful corresponding exercises as well as questions and answers to test your own understanding. At the end of this chapter the lesson is Materialisation which Baron Eugene Fersen introduces as follows:

In this procedure be clearly conscious of what Money really is. Know that it is a world power flowing to you and through you continually. Let your realization of its true nature dictate your perception of it. Feel your One-ness with it, your identity with the limitless supply of Abundance and Wealth. Do not pray or beg for Money, or indulge a subservient attitude toward it. Experience rather the joy and certainty of Possession, the sense of your right to it as one of the inherent Powers to which you are born. Recognize and develop your capacity to control it, and be confidently ready to receive it in proportion.

This is indeed a most powerful and valuable lesson as all of you already reading and practicing these lessons will no doubt know.

For those of you who missed the recent newsletter member opportunity, you can obtain it for the next three days from this members only link:

Until next newsletter, have a wonderful week.

In Love and Light,


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