Friday, June 5, 2009

What is the meaning of Life?

That is the ever proverbial question asked by countless individuals throughout all cultures since recorded history. The answer to that question can easily be summed up into one word, and it applies to everyone - Experience.

A more detailed answer to that question is that each and everyone one of us from the moment of our very first “life” on Earth, our very first “incarnation”, has the most sacred mission to ultimately return to, and potentially reunite with our Divine Creator, The First Cause, God from Where we first came, and of Whom we are all expressions. Therefore, everyone should be absolutely clear that without any exceptions whatsoever, every single person who has been born into the physical world, has ever been born or ever will be born will, sooner or later, set foot firmly and confidently on the Divine path and embark on the most sacred journey of all. The nearer to The Source we reach, the more we experience the glories of The Light until finally reaching, and having the potential to reunite with The Source of The Light, and to once again cease to be existed as an individuated Being, but rather to be at One with God.

The destiny of every single person therefore, as with the very process of creation itself, is to first descend to the Earth and then to rise again back to the highest aspect of The One, our Divine creator, during the process of ennoblement and perfection. It is the true and ultimate meaning of life, our ultimate purpose, our destiny and the ultimate reality of every single person, including that of our Brothers and Sisters throughout the Universe, without exception to evolve back to The First Cause, The Source, God, an ongoing process that should never be delayed, but rather embraced with passion, joy and Unconditional Love.

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